
Scared of Evangelicals?

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I finished watching Jesus Camp and am now terrified of Evangelicals. Actually I'm more scared for their brainwashed children. Will they hold as much power in this year's election as they did in 2000 and 2004?




  1. Oh, my, I'm a fundamental Christian, a believer in the Bible and Christ Jesus and I only saw a few clips from Jesus Camp and some reviews, but that's all I needed to see!  Please don't believe everything you watch!  Movies can be totally wrong!  This is a movie about only one camp and one Christian group!  And I don't agree with a lot of what they're doing.

  2. Evangelicals are similar to Atheists. Just preaching the word, not harming anyone.

    They have one vote each, just like everyone else.

  3. most evangelicals aren't like that.  they were on the eXTreme side and i'm tired of the liberal view of christians.  will our country go to pot because people will not have any values or decency anymore?  YES---it's bibical prophecy and happening NOW=

  4. What are you so scared of.  The Evangelicals are not on the decline.  The constitution has been proven to have been written by God Fearing Men who meant for this to be a Christian country not atheist.  Check out the facts and the documents.   The Atheist are doing their best to destroy everything this nation has ever stood for.  I am an Evangelical Christian and have very strong beliefs.  I am not going to push you if you choose to not believe.  That is your choice.  We are living in the End Times.  It is just like the days of Noah.  So you won't have to put up with us much longer.  Just know when millions disappear that we tried to tell you.  It is called the Rapture.

  5. Hopefully not.  Lucky for us all, they don't really like John McCain because he's nowhere near crazy enough for them.  Their movement is on the decline and our Constitution only had to take a few punches and kicks in the meantime.  I think the turning point was the Terri Schaivo incident, when a lot of moderate Americans realized that these people are completelty certifiable.  It is pretty scary to see such motivated and insane people trying to have laws changed in their favor, isn't it?  Read the comment above mine for more evidence of the insanity (i.e., liberal boogeymen and spooky prophecies).

    And to respond to "touchmen...", you could not be more incorrect in saying that the Constitution was written by "god fearing men".  Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and John Adams to name a few were deists at best and had no intention of creating a christian nation.  If you were correct, then why is the separation of church and state in the 1st Amendment?  Read some of Thomas Jefferson's letters or read anything on the founding fathers for that matter.  This is exactly the type of misinformation evangelicals support when reality doesn't "jive" with their superstitious, over-simplified world view.  See Jesus Camp for more examples of this type of misinformation.

    And to respond again to silversky, your "you'll be sorry someday" comments are not enough to make me deny reality for some implausible, Bronze-Age myths.  What makes you so sure Chrisitanity is correct?  Just because you happen to live in a Christian majority country?  Grow up.

  6. Silver, you must be a paranoid skitzo. First, if the people of n**i Germany supported Hitler and hailed him as a supreme leader, does that make them n***s? Does that make them responsible? I mean, they had death camps just outside their towns and smelled the death. They knew what was going on. So in my opinion, they were just as responsible for the death and carnage as Hitler was, even if they didn't support the cause very much, they still helped it happen.

    So telling me and everyone else that they were just EXTEMISTS, like the people we're at war with right now, then that makes them ok. WRONG. Learn history from someone other than a brainwashed cleric.

    And as far as liberal views of Christians, then get that smell of death off of you and maybe we'll think kinder of you. Hail Jesus.***s.htm

  7. Evangelicals will always try to bring you into there "fold". I don't think they'll have as much sway in this election, simply because they don't  have a bible thumper to vote for.

    Evangelicals in this country will get you killed just as fast as any Islamic country. Zealots are dangerous no matter what their cause.  FREE YOUR MIND, YOUR *** WILL FOLLOW !!!!

  8. It is a sad and very pathetic thing that we have allowed these nut-jobs to hold the power they have in this country...

    Don't be afraid of them... Pity them...

    The willful retarding of their children is a sad and very sick thing but it isn't their fault... Just like the children of KKK Members can't really be blamed for ending up so jacked up... They are all just brainwashed into their parents delusions...

    I don't think they hold as much power this year since there isn't a black and white "Morality" issue on the table like 2004's "g*y Marriage" nonsense...

    (I believe that if 2 humans find love... nothing on earth should stand in their way... True love is too rare to call it evil!)

    They are sad and pathetic... Don't let them get to you or else they win... It is just like terrorists... Well, they almost ARE terrorists... Sigh...

    There is no way to get rid of that wide spread mental illness so we just need to be aware and negate the damage any place we can.

  9. The children, I doubt it, they are not old enough to vote.  The evangelicals...well...just don't vote Republican.  And, for the evangelicals who are not who this person is talking about, I apologize, I do realize that you are not all involved in this.

    And dear, you do not have to develop a phobia about matter what, they are just people.  As a Christian, I too disagree with the tactics some of them are using.

  10. Do some research yourself.  Most of the founding fathers were Christian.  Even Jefferson, not exactly a Christian, believed in a creator God who would judge people for the good and evil they did on earth.  

    I'm worried about you if you are scared of evangelicals.  Either you have a clinical phobia, or you are uninformed about evangelicals.  They aren't that much different from other people.

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