
Scared of airplanes!!!! help please?

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I will be flying from texas to indiana in a few weeks, and I have only flown once before, from indiana to los vegas, and I'm paranoid the plain will crash, or something will go wrong. can anyone give me advice to keep that from my mind, or give me facts?? I am also flying alone, and I'm 14.




  1. dont sleep the night before,,so you will fall asleep on the flight..or take a bus

  2. You're more likely to be in a car accident than a plane accident if that makes you feel any better.  I've flown a lot and NEVER had problems.  Try to be reasonable with yourself.  You can't prevent things you can't control, so there's no use in worrying about them.  Try to think about all the fun things you'll do in Las Vegas when you get there.  If it helps, bring things to distract yourself - books, a diary, ipod, etc.  Talk to the person in the seat next to you if he/she looks friendly.  Try to control your thoughts and remind yourself that you're safe, thousands of people do this daily without problems, etc.

  3. cool i live in houston. ive flown to taiwan last summer by myself and i was personally scared of some terrorist blowing up the plane

    but jst remember the stats of plane crashing:

    1 in 11 million is the possibility of involvin in plane accident

    1 in 5000 for car crashes. its more dangerous to DRIVE to the airport

    dont worry, pilots are exteremtly trained and nowadays they have air marshals and the pilots themselves are armed with pistols.

    and also, get to know the person next to you. makes it seem alot safer and more comfortable (unless the person's some pervert)

    dont worry, its a short flight. you WILL NOT die.

  4. im 13 and flying alone to California tomorrow.... its not horrible, and im really paranoid too...right before takeoff my hands sweat so bad its funny! buy a magazine at the airport and concentrate on it so hard that you dont know the person next to you is talking to you.... when you get to 10000 feet you can get stuff like ur electronics out and keep concentrating on the magazine(you mite wanna get two) and where im flying to the airport is right up against mountains so you go down fast and hard (plus the runway is kinda bumpy)Im sure you will be fine and the flight attendents pay special attention to UMs, you get on the plane first and off it first(depending on the airline)

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I get parronoid every time I fly and Im 25...I always go up to Ohio from Florida to see my family and Im always alone. I jsut take my MP3 player and get a window seat..I think getting a window seat and being able to see what is going helps me. Plus my music relaxes me and keeps my thinking of music and not dont here od big commercial flights like that crashing anyways. Security is pretty good also. You will get special attentiong because of flying by yourself as a minor so you will people to talk to the whole way, more than I do..yeah I know I bigger but hey a girl any age can get scared. I have had flights canceled on me twice and had to go to a hotel by myself too...just bring a book also and you will get into that. Look out the window as much as you can...flying and seeing everyting from above is sooo awsome. Its an amazing view of the world form a plane dont be afraid of it, indulge it and love it. You will soon love to fly I do. Good Luck and dont be scared you will be alright!

  6. there are far more automobile accidents then there are airplane accidents...  chances are, you are more safe in the air then on ground.

    if you hit some turbulence, just put your hands in the air and pretend that you are on a roller coaster :)

  7. You are a minor so extra special attention will be given to you by airline staff. They will ease your mind. If you tell them you are anxious they will handle you with tender loving care.

    Visualize what you will do once you get there etc.  If that still stresses you out, try Kava's an herbal supplement that will chill you out.

    Have fun!

  8. well....statistically they say your most likely to get killed on the way to the airport more then getting killed on the plane you know like a head on crash, driving into the ditch and oh!, getting stuck under a gas truck. Thats the worst. Can't be to careful, a lot of bad drivers out there.

  9. You are a lot more likely to be killed crossing the street than flying.

    The most nerve wrecking thing for new fliers is turbulence. Heres a simple explanation:

    Although it can feel like the plane is taking a giant fall during turbulence it really isn't. Here are some fact about turbulence.

    1. For every dip you do feel there is a rise just before it that you don't feel. So you might feel like you are losing altitude but the dip is just the plane correcting for the previous rise.

    2. In turbulence you rarely fall more than a few inches (although most people think its 100s of feet). The best way to think of it is this: the sky is full of potholes - going through them is the exact same as driving over potholes on the road in your car - you're just as likely to be killed by pothole in the road as those in the sky. When you go over a pothole in the sky it is almost exactly the same as going over one on the road.

    A good rule of thumb it to only freak out if everyone else is freaking out. Most people will have flown a lot more than you and they will know if something is wrong. If they are relaxing then there is a 99.999999999% chance that nothing is wrong.

    There are a lot of very NORMAL noises the plane makes that all mean something. A clunck after you take off is just the landing gear snapping back into place. You will hear something similar just before landing. A kind of whizzing buzzing (sounds like an electric drill) noise on the runway, about 2 minutes after takeoff and about 4 minutes before landing is only the flaps extending/retracting (flaps make the wing bigger so the plane can fly at slower speeds like taking off and landing).

    Engines are very efficient - about 2 minutes after takeoff they will wind down a little, and you will hear it. The plane dosent need all the power to fly - just to take off so when the pilot "takes his foot off the accelerator" you will hear the engines become very quiet, you may not even hear them at all depending on the plane youre in. When they wind down it will feel like youre breaking but youre not. When you are landing it may feel like youre breaking in the air - you are. Its all normal and its all 100% safe.

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