
Scared of becomeing addicted. Help please!!!!

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15, I go out basically everyday, I am very socialble and sporty. I play for a football team and train twice a week. BUT. When I am not out with my firends or at football. (When im inside) mostly at night. I get very bored. And I want to play video games, I play on my xbox 360 but get bored of that easily. So i would like (which I enjoy) to play on pc games. But I am scared I will become addicted, which I did when I played World of warcraft. And i really dont want to be addicted again. But I would like to play pc games.

What shall i do, any advice?

plz help, thanks.....




  1. Set an *alarm for some time short of what you estimate, so you have time to finish the last game: * STICK TO IT!!!

  2. Hey Dude,

    Yeah maybe u should spend only a few hours a week on a pc game...have breaks and u wont get addicted....dont worry about it!! lol

    have fun xx and u only got addicted to world of warcraft cause its an addictive game...but AMAZING lol ... anyways take care bud x*x

  3. Because you are too young and have to learn a lot of good things in life. So whenever you go to play games in pc, dont sit for hours together. Just sit for a while and change your mind towards some productive work. Playing games and killing time without any productive result is waste of time which you cannot regain. Divert your attention towards your higher responsibilities and career in society.  

  4. Be very careful cuz like u say u might become addicted. I'm addicted to the internet, mostly myspace, and i dont even play games. just be careful, and play pc games once in a while.

  5. Introduce more sports.

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