
Scared of bugs, live in high or low altitude?

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If I absolutely HATE bugs (esp. spiders and mosquitos), should I live in a higher or lower altitude? I'm not talking significantly higher or significantly lower. I'm talking about should I live in a house (that's on the ground) or more in an apartment a few feet above the air?

Does it actually help?




  1. Yes, altitude makes a difference. Surprisingly enough, flying bugs can fly only so high.  Third floor or above will free you from mosquitoes and the majority of flying bugs.  Ground level is the worst possible place for crawlies, especially if it is dark.  I was terrorized by centipedes in a ground floor apartment with only one window. Same with spiders from a vacant next-door lot in a one-story house.

      The best thing you can do is to entice birds and dragonflies into your environment. Put up a bird feeder and keep it filled. Plant flowers.  Dragonflies thrive on mosquitoes, as do purple martins.  You can make or buy special houses for martins.

  2. Generally speaking, the further above the ground you are, the less likely you are to get bugs, but you might have to be quite a ways up to avoid the flying ones. And pick a new apartment building.

  3. No matter what you will probably be around bugs.  Mosquitos are attracted to open water so the higher the better.  Spiders will live anywhere practically.  They especially  love dark places.

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