
Scared of delivery Some Comfort???

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Ok,I know I've answered tons of q's about C sections just from what I know,not what I've experienced.I am 34 weeks pregnant with my third daughter and 2 weeks ago she was still in breech position.They said not to worry because she still has time to move and that they will attempt to turn her at my next appointment if she has not gone head down by then. Both of my other daughters were delivered vaginally with no problem at all and very healthy so as you can probably tell the thought of MYSELF having a C section scares the c**p outta me! I don't care about the "ugly" scar or anything materialistic like that,I'm terrified that something might go wrong and something happen to the baby,or they won't put everything back in the correct places that they go...or with my having 2 daughters already(4 and 1) I'm scared that maybe when I go home since my girls tend to be rowdy(and not always on purpose they just get really excited) they may jump on me or something before I can move and bust stitches or something...I'm just wondering if anyone could tell me their experiences with C sections and the aftermath of them...I just wanna know if any of those things have happened a lot or how common it is for one or all of those things to happen.

Sorry this is so just never think about stuff like this until it is about to happen to you...





  1. Don't be scared it is not as bad as it may seem.  I have had 2 c-sections and am 28 weeks preg. With my daughter, I was in hard labor for 16 hours and would not dilate past a I asked to have a c-section cuz I was hurting soooo bad, my epidural had fallen out and it hurt so bad to get it I did not want to do it again, so they finally decided c-section would be best. Everything went very well, my daughter was perfect, The next day I was up and walking around a bit, very very sore, which I realized after my second c-section most of the soreness was from the labor before the c-section. But I was up and walking around the next day.  The first 12-24 hours you have to stay in bed though.  But your able to take care of your baby yourself and everything. I don't know if it is what they do everywhere...but they used staples for my incision and they were removed the day I went home, I was in for 4 days. The only problem with this c-section for me was that it opened on its own....for no reason that I know of cuz I was sleeping and woke up soaked  with yellowish liquid. but with my second one they decided to leave the staples in for a few days after i went home just to prevent it and it worked I had no problems with the second and was a lot less sore then the first since I didn't have to go through labor, and its only a couple days after your home till you feel a lot better, you still have to be more careful and not do too much but you can get up, take a shower, light cleaning, and fully take care of your new baby so its not all that bad.  Good Luck!

  2. Well, I can tell you what my midwives had me do when my third was still breach at 30+ weeks and it worked.  Doesn't make sense why it worked, but it did.  They had me lie flat on my back on the floor and put my feet on something (anything that's comfortable) so they were raised about a foot off the ground.  I had to lay there like that for 45 minutes to an hour every night until he flipped around finally after doing it for about a week and a half.  When he flipped, I was actually in bed asleep and it was so strong that it hurt and woke both me and my husband up as my entire body sort of bounced.

    The midwives told me that some midwife in India actually discovered that this worked to turn a breach baby.

    I know this isn't the answer you were looking for, but it's something that is safe and wouldn't hurt for you to try it.  (Just make sure your other two are not jumping or falling on your stomach while you lie there.) :-)

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