
Scared of flying!!!!!!!

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going on a 1 1/2 airplane ride. I've flown before, but get very bad anxiety. Any help? terrified of take off b/c of the dropping and bit of turbulence. Any ideas??




  1. Don't be scared of flyin i flew an 1hr and 40min. flight about last week, theirs nothing to be scared about. It will be over in a snap!

  2. The longest plane ride I was on was for 5 hours (Charlotte N.C. to San Francisco, Ca) It was wonderful. Yes the take off was scary and there was some turbulence, but overall it was a wonderful flight.

    An hour and a half will be over before you know it. Relax.

  3. well i'm flying 22 hour in about three days and i guess im scared too and im not kidding about the 22 hours im flying from canada to prage to poland (im polish) and i will spend two hours in the car to toronto  waiting and going throught check points u know security and flying about six hours on plane 2 hours waiting in prage and another two hours another four flying and two in the car to arrive in poland to my grandma's house!          

    I have flown five times this is my sixth and i hate take offs and landings but once im in the air i ok so just stay calm ok?


  4. I know it won't help but truly... There is NOTHING to be afraid of...

    My Uncle has flown, literally, THOUSANDS of times all over the globe and nothing bad has ever happened to him... He was even in the air on 9-11 and got stuck in Canada for 3 days and he got back home JUST FINE!

    My aunt has flown, literally, THOUSANDS of times all over the globe and she has never had anything bad happen to her... And she had to go in and out of the Middle East a couple of times... (Yeah... White chick, alone, in the Middle East... If SHE can come home safe, you have NOTHING to worry about! LOL)

    I've been flying by myself since I was 10 years old... With family since I was 5... And it has just gotten DULL... It is the same to me as having to get in the car and drive 2.5 hours from Chicago to Springfield.

    Just remember... Stastically speaking, you are 100X more likely to have something happen ON THE WAY to the airport then on the airplane...

    I'm going to tell you how I stop panic attacks when I'm at home... I think it will work with you on the plane...

    Sit back, close your eyes, put on a pair of headphones and play your FAVE music... Put your hands on your lap and let your body go limp.

    Breathe in and count from 8 to 10 (depending on your lung capasity) meaning that it should take between 8 to 10 second for you to TOTALLY fill your lungs... Hold your breath for 3 seconds... and when you exhale, take another 8 to 10 seconds to TOTALLY empty your lungs...

    The deep breathing tells your body to calm down... It will help regulate your heat beat and that keeps you from panicking...

    The music will help you block out the rest of the world...

    If you find you can't keep your eyes closed, get a sleep mask or wear a hat and pull it down over your eyes.

    There is NOTHING to be ashamed of... Flying is something that goes against human nature... If your not used to it, it will freak you... you just need to stay calm and remember that you will be FINE.

    MILLIONS of people are on air planes at any one time... Across the globe... Thousands of air planes all in the air RIGHT THIS SECOND... and there in what? A single crash a year? Every 2 years?

    THOUSANDS of planes WORLD WIDE each day and only 1 accident a year...

    You are more likely to fall in your bathroom then to crash in an airplane!

    Good luck my friend!

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