Ok, about three years ago I was still a novice rider, I was riding a horse my family was thinking about buying, Me and another person were riding and there were some people around walking behind us. Before I knew it she and the other horse had taken off and wouldn't stop, I didn't know what to do and I kind of just tried whatever to do to stay on, well she bucked and then I let go, I flipped over her head and landed on my neck, then back, I was in so much pain I couldn't even get back on her, and had to have help to get back to our car. So after that, I didn't get back on a horse for two or three weeks and when I got back on at a lesson, I was freaked out, I even asked if she would put me on a lunge line to trot ! I know that's strange but I thought , what if this horse ran off . After that I stopped riding for a while. Then my mom got me a barrel racing teacher, she thought I might enjoy it. I like walking the barrels, but whenever she asked me to speed up, I'd get all tense and start sweating then the horse would freak out cause it felt me tense and would tell the teacher I couldn't do it. I tried to a couple times, but I couldn't exactly tell her I was scared of horse riding, so one day I was in the sun and I actually got heat-stroke, I used that as my excuse for not going back. Well now I have three horses, my bought them for me to get me back into riding, only thing, I'm to scared to ride them, I always blame my parents, say stuff like "I can't do it unless you help and you're never around" . I want to not be afraid to ride. But everytime I start riding I remember that day and I tense up, do you know of anything that that might possibly help me with this fear, I've tried stuff like trying to forget about it, it doesn't work, I love my horses, they're so sweet, and they deserve someone to ride them. But I feel like I can't be that person :(