
Scared of horse riding

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Ok, about three years ago I was still a novice rider, I was riding a horse my family was thinking about buying, Me and another person were riding and there were some people around walking behind us. Before I knew it she and the other horse had taken off and wouldn't stop, I didn't know what to do and I kind of just tried whatever to do to stay on, well she bucked and then I let go, I flipped over her head and landed on my neck, then back, I was in so much pain I couldn't even get back on her, and had to have help to get back to our car. So after that, I didn't get back on a horse for two or three weeks and when I got back on at a lesson, I was freaked out, I even asked if she would put me on a lunge line to trot ! I know that's strange but I thought , what if this horse ran off . After that I stopped riding for a while. Then my mom got me a barrel racing teacher, she thought I might enjoy it. I like walking the barrels, but whenever she asked me to speed up, I'd get all tense and start sweating then the horse would freak out cause it felt me tense and would tell the teacher I couldn't do it. I tried to a couple times, but I couldn't exactly tell her I was scared of horse riding, so one day I was in the sun and I actually got heat-stroke, I used that as my excuse for not going back. Well now I have three horses, my bought them for me to get me back into riding, only thing, I'm to scared to ride them, I always blame my parents, say stuff like "I can't do it unless you help and you're never around" . I want to not be afraid to ride. But everytime I start riding I remember that day and I tense up, do you know of anything that that might possibly help me with this fear, I've tried stuff like trying to forget about it, it doesn't work, I love my horses, they're so sweet, and they deserve someone to ride them. But I feel like I can't be that person :(




  1. the only thing u can do is get back on, ill say it again GET BACK ON, mabey get in a corral and run her a little, or trot watever u want to do but u also have to remember is if u pull those reins hard enof the horse will stop, aand if she starts buckin, pull some more and hang on

  2. I rode a horse before, and I thought that it was a very moving experience!

  3. It's very normal to develop a severe fear after something like that happens. You may want to consider seeing a therapist for your phobia, because I don’t think that fear should be the reason you stop riding. I’ve let fear stop me from doing many things for many years, and now it’s so much harder to recover.  Things the therapist will probably help you with include asking you to imagine riding a horse regularly while writing down and combating the fearful thoughts that come up. Then you’ll move on to breaking down actual riding into small, manageable steps, doing each step over and over until it’s not so scary anymore before moving on to a harder step. This is basically known as Cognitive Behavioral therapy. You might even be able to learn some techniques for what to do if that type of accident were to happen again, so you’ll feel more prepared and in control when you ride. I agree with some of the other answers – it’s good to tell understanding people about your fear too. That way, you don’t have the added fear of someone finding out. I know it’s not easy, and I know it’s definitely not just a “Get over it” kind of thing. Good luck and work at it at your own pace - just try not to give up.

  4. In the end it will come down to you actually telling yourself that it was a one time thing.  You know that.  Being around horses and riding them, you should also know that it is almost inevitable that you will get hurt in some way again.  Just don't wait for that moment though.  Don't expect it.  You'll just have to decide if riding horses is more important to you than the worrying about if you'll ever get hurt again.  I can tell you all of this from experience.  

  5. You have to be able to trust yourself and your horses. Your horses won't do anything to hurt you on purpose.

    Just try working with them. Take it slow. Lunge them, groom them and do everything else with them instead of ridding right now. Once you regain your trust in your horses you will be able to go farther. Everytime you get nervous, just remind yourself that it will be okay, and that there is nothing to be scared about.

    Try having someone hold one of the horses for you. Use a mounting block to kind of lay over the horses back. And just stay there until you are comfortable and confidant in doing it. From there you can keep going with it until you are able to sit on your horse.

    Once you are comfortable sitting, have a friend give you a pony ride. By walking your horse for you. If you start to become uncomfortable, have them stop walking. Lay forward onto your horses neck and hug them. Take several deep breaths to help calm yourself. Then start walking again...

    I'm pretty sure you have the idea of what I'm getting at/trying to tell you. I hope it helps you to conqure your fear of ridding. But, if you find that you just can't no matter how much you try. You can always try driving. I can be just as fun.  

  6. well i personally think its horrible to fall of a horse

    but you should take it slow and if its thats still too hard tell your parents that your scared and im sure theyll let you get councelling of some sort

    get back on that horse lol

  7. everyone has there bad days. You just need to learn to get over the fall and take it easy for a while. Walk around a bit on a well trained horse and dont go faster then that until you fell ready

  8. let it get used to u,if u think its friendly enough to ride it,trust it and try,but its ur choice.

  9. go all the way back and take basic riding lessons..  tell the instructor your nervous and have never ridden a horse before.. you just need to boost your confidence.. same thing happened to me.. till i started riding a dead bombproof horse.. at a walk for like 3 weeks.   now I'm all the way back.. riding a fairly green semi psychotic horse

  10. I feel your pain! I have been there right where you say you've been. I was there last week...I fell off my horse at a gallop. He changed directions and I was not prepared for it. (My fault not his) However, after I fell off I walked him a little and I then got back on. It happens to all of us......we all fall off sometime...if you don' can you really say we ride. Cowgirls and Cowboys everywhere have fell off a time or two.

    I understand you are scared. I was too! However you have to decide to face a fear and go a little at a time,or quit and always wonder what if.

    You can do it (get back in the saddle) take a walk until YOU are ready to move up.

    Clear your head think of nothing when riding or something happy. Remember the horse feels what you fell and times that by 3.

    Relax you can do it! I know you can.

  11. you need to start out slow in a pen if possible that way you know she can't run far just walk around a bit then try easing into a trot till you feel comfortable.but if your on your horse and it does try to bolt don't pull straight back on the reigns that will automatically pull the horses head back and result in the horse raring up or bucking instead pull to the side.the horses feet wont keep going forward if its head is to the side.but don't yank in a panic just ease its head around until you get it to can practice it in a pen till you feel comfortable and it gives you the confidence you need

  12. i think you should take it 1 step at a time

  13. This sounds really awful, but you have to stop making excuses for not riding and actually tell someone that you're afraid. Tell that person exactly what you just told everyone on Yahoo! Answers. Find an instructor who has a lot of experience in dealing with riders who are afraid (Certain people just don't understand that fear is a natural reaction when a person--or other animal--faces what they feel is a life-threatening situation. Some instructors won't be able to understand why you feel afraid when you go faster, even if you explain what happened. Those aren't the people you want to be around.) and take a few lessons with that instructor.

    Do you know how to stop a bolting horse? If not, get your instructor to teach you. It's easy to learn--just circle. Do you know how to do an emergency dismount? If not, get your instructor to teach you. I've never been in an emergency situation where I felt an emergency dismount would be safe, but it's still comforting to know how to do one. Do you know how to fall? You can practice tucking your chin and rolling at home (just pile blankets, pillows, and other soft stuff in the floor and around any walls you might hit), or you can practice slipping off of a small, calm, bareback horse if you have someone to hold him in an arena with soft footing. I've heard of people taking falling lessons with martial arts or gymnastics teachers, and I think that would be a safe bet.

    I really hope you'll be able to start riding again; you really sound like you love it. Start slow, and I'm sure you can do it.  

  14. The best thing to do when you fall is to get straight back up into the saddle again. I realise that you were quite seriously hurt and that is probably why you have lost your confidence but the best thing to do is start again...Start from scratch and work your way back up there. Ride a nice calm older horse that way you don't have anything to worry about. And don't think about the accident you had. If everyone one worried about falling off then what would be the point in riding? I know it sounds harsh but it's true. Every good rider falls off sometimes. 8-)

  15. i know this sounds like it wont help but i am afraid to do so much stuff and if you just do it, it helps i will be so scared and just do it, and then that actually helps.

  16. just face your fear trust your horse and nothing will happen

  17. its going to take time. but no matter how much pain you arein you need to get back on that horse, unless you are dead knocked out, or cant move.

    you will get tehre. just practice spend time with them on the ground and find one you trust

  18. Ask yoursef, "Do you want to ride again, or do you want to make your parents happy?"

    Personally I just started riding again and I love it. I got heat stroke about a week ago while I was cantering a jump, I fainted. I stayed on the horse fainted and somehow the horse knew to stop. My instructor came over and rushed me off and I was dizzy, blacked out and throwing up. I was on a horse I loved! The first thing I said was "Is Leah alright?" they answered .I sat in the shade for 5 min. and they said they needed to call my mom. I was really sick. They brought my horse out of the ring and it suddenly stopped. It walked over to me and nudged me then they had to force it out of the ring. I was still dizzy but I begged them to let me back on. Sure enough they said "NO!" The next day I came back and spent time riding and playing with that horse

    I told you that story because I wanted you to know that if you really loved riding, you'd find a way to get over it. (I don't mean that harshly)

    It seems that you're finding excuses not to ride.

    If I were you I would take lessons at a local riding school on the sweetest, most well trained, schoolhorse they have. Take 5 lessons and If you don't love it by then...

    You're not meant to ride

    Sorry if that got you down but I hope it helped!

    Have a great day

  19. dont be scard, face ur fears, horses are nice  
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