
Scared of misacarriages?

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I went thru 2 missed miscarriages last yr when it was 9 wks. both ended up as empty sac with no heartbeat and i had brown discharge everytime i peed.Now, i got pregnant again and abt to reach 12 weeks in afew days..few weeks before until yesterday, i've been vomiting like h**l...but suddenly today, i didn't feel nauseous at all besides i can already accept some food. How ever, i can feel light cramps around my abdominal area without any bleeding and my obgyn had already detected the heartbeat of my baby when i was 8 weeks.

What are the chances of having another miscarry without any blood presence and the heartbeat had been detected?

So anxious and worried...i dont want to lose this baby anymore..




  1. Hi, first off, sorry for your previous miscarriages, i know exactly what you are going through.  I have experienced 2 m/c's since April'08.  1st m/c natural m/c at 5wks (blighted ovumn), bleeding, very mild pains.  I actually fell pregnant again within the same week of this.  Had an early scan at 7wks and saw and heard the heartbeat, however at my 12wk scan i was told it was only measuring 8wks and no longer a h/b, i was devastated, i had no m/c symptons at all except that my pregnancy symptons had all left me a few wks before at which i was told was normal.  

    I think regardless of weather or not you have had a previous m/c, every woman panics and worries about this happening.  I would suggest if you are concerned then you request a scan, to ease your mind if nothing else.  2 miscarriages in a row are considered 'normal' and apparently your chances of having a successful healthy pregnancy after this are the same as if you had never miscarried before.  I wish you all the best of luck this time round.

  2. If you are worried go and see your Dr. If it is a miscarrage there is nothing they can do but it will ease your mind. Good luck I know how it feels to miscarry and be afraid durring the next pregnancy.

  3. unfortunately the chances are still there as you have suffered recurrent miscarriages....go and see your doctor and ask to have an ultrasound, i know exactly how you feel i am currently 9 weeks pregnant after having lost one at this stage just 6 monts ago.  I don't think that the fear will go away until you give birth....

    good luck and i hope the cramping is just your body adusting to your uterus size

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