
Scared of rides and going to Alton Towers tomorrow!?

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I've been to Alton Towers before and have gone on a couple of the bigger rides like Rita-Queen of Speed but as yet have not tried out Nemisis. Can anyone tell me which is scarier? I really didn't like Rita so if people think it is scarier than that ride I think it would be best for me to avoid it!





  1. srry i have never been there but i think that nemesis would be scarier because of the name. Rita Queen sounds like a mari-go-round. Neways you should be scared just let loose and have a good time and if rita queen is as scary as you say then nemesis wont be much scarier because most roller caosters are about the same...=)

  2. dont worry, the worst that can happen is  the rides comes off track, you fly out and break EVERY bone in your body, then die bloody death. have fun.

  3. Nemisis is a much scarier tide than Rita.

    Here are my tips

    1:  I have found screaming really helps

    2: Close your eyes also helps

    3: Find a way to dodge the rides solves all problems.


  4. i wud definatley say rita is scarier.

    nemises is gud but not as gud.

    hope i helped  


  5. or another option, give me your ticket and I'll go!

    no, but seriously, i've never been on rita but nemsis is verryyy scary.

  6. if u go on the one you dont like cover your eyes

  7. The most fun is easily Air, it goes at a nice steady pace whilst being one of those rides that looks big and scary, but its not. It's very relaxing! Honestly try this, its not as intensive as Rita queen of speed. I actually went a few weeks back with my friends! Had a good time apart from the fact it rained for a good 5 hours! Make sure you take lots of money as the prices are extortionate!

    Also, one point to note about the nemisis, the sign outside that states it is one of the most intensive rides in the world is rubbish. I'm usually a brave guy and when i read that sign i was actually quite anxious to sit on the ride because i thought to myself "hmmm, worlds most scariest? d**n...!" (I know that sounds quite sarcastic but its the best impression i can give - lol) but yes... once i ride it, it wasn't as bad as they made out! Basically a faster version of air!

    Oh remember to check out the Hex amongst the others, very intruiging! Have fun :)

  8. I was in a similar situation the other week!  I hate rides, but got dragged along with a party of friends.

    I do believe that Nemesis is a far worse ride than Rita.  My advice is to go & sit in the cafe of Air which is close by whilst the rest of your party go on all of the crazy rides in this part of the park.

    You'll be able to have a nice warm coffee, whilst they're getting drenched in the line to get on the ride (I live about 20mins away from the park & I do believe it is going to rain tomorrow).

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