
Scared of spiders what shall i do???

by Guest57757  |  earlier

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I'm going to Austraila soon but i'm scared of spiders and i've heard there's loads there what shall i do??????




  1. There are worse things to worry about here than spiders. The drop bears are the worst!

    Seriously though we have the most venomous snakes, spiders and sea creatures but I have lived here all my life and I am still alive. You will be fine. Just sit back relax and enjoy yourself as we all do.

  2. I had two holidays in Australia last year, we stayed in Cairns, Sydney, Melbourne, Noosa and Ularu, I never saw any nasty spiders while I was in any of those places.

  3. well all you really find are daddy long legs and they are harmless

    they arent scary at all; they arent even hairy

    yes occasionally you will find a slightly scarier spider but it should be really small like a centimetre

    and you can do what i do and run and scream for someone else to kill

    australia is such a wonerful place; spiders shouldnt discourage you from coming :)

  4. I wouldn't worry, i'm scared of spiders too but it's not like they are absolutely everywhere. Just make sure you don't walk into their webs but if you're staying in a hotel i wouldn't worry i've never seen one there.

  5. There are no more spiders in Australia than there are where you live.

  6. Not just that, but they are larger than the ones we have in England, snakes & other bugs as well, sorry, but it's best you know before you get there.

  7. Carry an aspirin. The Poisons Info Centre in WA told me to sprinkle a powdered up aspirin on a red back spider bite.

    I did and it totally cured it. The aspirin must of neutralised the venom or something. I didn't need to seek ant further medical help at all.

    Your more likely to get stung by a bee or a wasp than get stung by a spider.

    Information on snake and spider bites is available 24 hours a day from the Poisons Information Centre on 131 126

  8. oh please, really, there are not allot of spiders here and dont throw off your shole holiday because of spiders. As long as you're staying in the cities there will be very few. Summer more than winter.

  9. Don't let spiders put you off - I'm lucky if I see one a week in the garden.  Just remember to keep you home clean and clean away any cobwebs, nothing to it !

    It's the snakes I don't like....

  10. Yes, it is true. Australia is home to some of the most venomous snakes and spiders but don't let a little thing like that put off a great experience.

    It is rare you will come across them if you're in the city. Most of them are not dangerous anyways.

    Good luck.

  11. i know what you mean

    I'm scared to go to the USA cos of all the grizzly bears running around in the city's there

  12. Don't go or get some hypnotherapy !

  13. Don't look at them :-))

  14. RAID!

  15. pick up a small spider here in the uk, then a larger and larger ones until you find you are not scared

  16. The nastiest-looking spider you are likely to come across is the huntsman. These are big and hairy but harmless. They occasionally come into a house but it is unlikely you will see one in a hotel. They don't respond to fly spray so either leave them alone, squash them or put them outside using a glass and card (or get someone else to do it). You are unlikely to see any of the dangerous ones unless you go poking around in damp, dark places.

  17. Stamp on them, for crying out loud! That'll teach the little buggers to bug you. :)

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