
Scared off the dentist?

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does anyone have any teqnuiques of how to stop, or at least stop i for a while. I'm going up to the dentist at 4:30Pm (UK) and im having 2 teeth out

But when ever i get into the dentist chair i cant hold still, so it kinda hard for them to do stuff

Anyone got any idea how i can try and be less jumpy and scared?




  1. Counting is often recommended in situations of anxiety and anger etc because it uses a different part of the brain to the anxiety and re-focuses you.

  2. Modern dental techniques and modern anaesthetics mean you visit should not worry you.

    It's probably too late for today but I always pay the extra and get conscious sedation with a drug called Hypnoval. You stay awake but have no memory of the visit. It does cost £100 a shot but for the really nervous there is nothing to beat it.

    Don't worry, breathe deeply to relax yourself (take an ipod or similar to listen to music and good luck

  3. All of us are disturbed by the fact that we have to pay someone to inflict pain upon us.The truth of the matter is,you will feel nothing until the anesthetic wears off.You only feel the initial sting as the needle goes in your gum,but it is no problem.

  4. if your phobia is really bad, talk to your dentist about oral anti-anxiety meds to take the night before and morning of your dental appt.

    if really severe, consider going to a dentists that offers sedation.


  5. if you dont have an allergy to it which most people do not, ask for a script of valium and take 1 hr prior to extrations, also ask for n2o

  6. Hope I'm not too late.

    I used to be terrified of the dentist until I went earlier in the year for the first time in.. too long!

    I was petrified so when I sat down in the chair I said "I'm a bit nervous". The dentist then explained everything as she did it and it was not a bad experience at all.

    Good luck, and don't be scared.

  7. Try to relax yourself. Take deep breaths while you are waiting to get in and while they are working on you. Maybe get a stress reliever ball that you can squeeze while they are working on you, and maybe listen to some relaxing music too. If you do listen to music, listen to classical, or anything thats just instruments, no voice.

    Good luck to you! Hope it goes well!

  8. Tell the dentist's office about your problem and see if the dentist will prescribe you medication you can take prior to your appointment to help you relax.

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