
Scared to fly in an airplane?

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I am leaving in 2 days for florida and i am taking a plane for the first time i am really nervous...?

can anyone describe what its like and what to expect. and is it safe? i have a feeling i am going to panic. Like i will feel trapped in the plane! Please give me some info




  1. I have flown to Thailand, Isreal, Philippines and it was wonderful. You will love it.

    Dennis G

  2. Ok, dont be so nervous about the whole flight. You are probably scared that u will crash. DONT BE!!!!!!!!. We here more accidents about cars crashing than airplane crashes

  3. Don't Worry It Is A Great Experience

    First You Will Get On The Plane And Find You Seat.

    The Hostess Will Explain All The Safety Guides.

    You Will Then Be Instructed To Put Your Seat-belt On.

    The Engine Will Then Fire Up.

    You Will Sit For About 5 Minutes

    You Will Start Moving Along The Run Way Pretty Slowly And Then Another Louder Engine Will Come On.It Will Go Faster And Then Before You Know It Your Flying Its Great Honestly.You Will Have A Great Time

    Hope This Helps x

  4. The airports can be a mess in terms of security and crowds.

    Make sure you have your ID and try to get your boarding pass off the internet before you go.

    I recommend not trying to take anything, other than a book or a purse through security.

    Once you get through security you'll go to a gate, which is just a place to sit while you wait to get on the plane.

    The seats are kind of close together if you're big or sit next to a big person, so it can be a bit cramped, but not horrible, more like touching elbows or shoulders occasionally.

    The plane will pull out of the gate and then move around until it's ready to take off - then it will get loud, start going fast and then the nose will lift up and you'll be tilted backward.

    You'll stay that way for a little while, like 5 minutes and then the plane will level off and the engines will quiet down.

    You'll fly to Florida and might hit some turbulance that will make the plane shake around some, nothing to worry about.

    Once you get there the plane will go down and you'll hear a lot of loud noises again and then it will touch down (big bump) and you'll hear the breaks coming on and you'll get thrown back into your seat some as it stops.

    Then you're done.

    Look at it like a ride at an amusement park and force yourself to smile and laugh during the take-off and landing, it will help.

    Remember - flying is much, much safer than driving your car to the airport.

  5. They say plains are completely safe. You really shouldn't be worried about it crashing or anything. What always bothers me is that fact that all of the air in the cabin of the plane justs gets circulated through the system over and over again. This and the fact that you are in close proximity to so many other people make it extremely easy for diseases to get transmitted from person to person. This really bothers me and makes me really nervous the entire time I'm on a plane, but then again, a lot of things make me nervous. You'll probably be fine. The process itself isn't scary at all.

  6. i used to b scared of that 2 but just keep on lookin at the outside by the window made me want to get on it again

  7. Before the plane takes off it goes very fast. When it goes up it feels like a roller coaster when it goes down. May be a little shaky but that's normal I think.

    I'm scared of flying.. I hate the lift off feeling.

  8. It is very safe.

    I am a plane enthusiast, and i can tell you, it is 1 million more times as likely you will die on your way to the airport than in your plane.

    What will happen is the plane will taxi to the runway, speed up to about 150 km/h and gently lift up. It may feel like there are butterflies in your stomach, but that is normal and especially if you are in a window seat, a cool experience. once they reach 10,000 feet, the plane will level off, cut back the engines, and turn the fasten seat belt off. Depending on where you start from, you will travel at about 30,000 feet above sea level, at about 450 miles per hour. On approach, yes they are descending from very high, but pilots keep the plane level. Never will the nose of the plane be pointing down. Never. Landing, the nose is pointed up, glided into the runway and roll onto the runway. Depending on the seniority of the pilot, it may be almost unfelt, or an abrupt thud, but never something that is going to make you afraid. After that they will put the engines in reverse, in which there will be a small amount of forward pull from the inertia, but it isnt like slamming on the brakes in a car. Do not worry. Planes have been perfected and perfected again and again to make sure that things dont happen. Millions of flights are completed safely every day, without incident.

    It depends on the weather, but plane rides are almost always very smooth, very efficient ways to travel. It is virtually impossible to crash a plane without actually trying to, unless the plane is damaged. You will not be in a damaged plane, because they have FAA federally regulated diagnostic/ maintenance crews.

    Dont worry, and enjoy your trip. What airline are you taking? Where is your starting location? Responding to the comment about the air circulation, that is just completely false. We use something called "bleed air" where air is taken from vents on the engines (not the exhaust), purified, temperature adjusted, and then circulated. Then the air is sucked back and released in an opening on the tail.

  9. If you've never flown before, how do you know you're scared?  There is a inherent risk in any kind of travel, car, ship, or plane, where you put your trust into other people to make sure you arrive safely.  I've been flying for the better part of 35 years as a passenger, and in those years have had at least 5 incidents which left me a little scared.

    If you have a tendency to fall asleep as a passenger in a car, chances are you'll be asleep even before wheels up.  Next thing you know you're in Florida.

    As for ascents and descents, it depends on where you fly out of really, not all airports have the same requirements.  So you can expect anything from a flat takeoff to a steep one, but all landings are flat and controlled descents.

    As for what others have said, statistically flying is the safest mode of travel.  Flying for 35 years and no crashes, just some nervous turbulence.  Driving for 30 years and 3 accidents and 2 trips to the hospital.  In 2007 there were no major US airline crashes on US soil.

  10. k when i went in a air plain for the first time i was nerves to like really never nerves but when you start to take off the ground your belly  like gets sick and then when thats over and your in the air its quit fun i just hate when you land and start to fly it gets you sick and nasious but ya after that all over your fine but i would eat before and while your on trust me it helps with the landing and take off have fun please vote this for best answer i need it

  11. You'll be fine. Take some gum, for the ear popping. It is super safe. You have a better chance of getting shot than crashing in an airplane. Try to not get a middle seat. You'll feel more trapped. some people prefer the window so they can see out and that relaxes them, others like the aisle so they feel more free. Bring some music or maybe a book. Also take a nap you you'll sleep right through it.

  12. Flying in an airplane is no big deal.  The takeoff and landing can be a bit nerve racking if you're not used to it.

    You shouldn't feel trapped...however...there was one time I was flying in a window seat from Boston to Denver...and this huge woman pulled up the arm rest and sat beside about feeling trapped!  I now specifically select aisle seating.

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