
Scared to get help..

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To make it short...i have an eating disorder. Im anorexic. I dont have a severe case though...but i have blacked out a few times and i get headaches often, its hard to walk up the bones are showing...

i want help.

i want to be able to eat the foods i love again without wondering how many calories is in this, how much fat will i gain. I want to eat without saying "if i eat this now, im not allowed to eat tomorrow.."

i do not want professional help though. I want to be able to do this on my own. Ive tried twice now and i couldnt bring myself to do it :(

can anyone help me..?




  1. skinny people that have thier bones showing are not attractive. put on some wieght and you will look even better

    i promise

  2. first, just start eating a little bit of junk food, like ice cream and candy.

    that way u can get to a normal size. then start eating nice, healthy food to make sure you stay that size

  3. Try to eat small bits every 3 hours, even if its just a few chips or something. The best way to eat is every 3 hours so that the body does not store away the fat and make you gain weight. (this way you wont gain much weight) I know it maybe hard but just try to eat little tiny bits every 3 hours or so, eventually your stomach will start to expand, it may hurt a bit at first or give you cramps, but your stomach will expand and you will become more hungry. But if you remember the 3 hour rule you dont have to worry you wont get fat :)

  4. Why do you not want professional help?  You said yourself that you haven't been able to do it on your own.  I think if your bones are showing it might be a severe case and I am not sure there is a distinction when anorexic.  

    Please call a doctor.

  5. I know how scary it is to go to the doctor, i said i would go to the doctor for 2 years before I actually went.  But understand this... eating disorders are the only mental disorders that actually kill you.  So this is your life at stake!

    I know that it is extremely scary, but what is more scary- going to the doctor, getting help, feeling better, healtheir, happier, being happy that you went and having a normal successful happy life or... getting thinner and thinner, feeling terrible about yourself and eventually dying because you are so thin?

    You can do it.  I know you are strong, and take it in steps.  First, just call and make the appointment.  Just pick up the phoen and do it, don't even think about it.  Then just go to teh office, just go.  don't think about it just get in your car and go.  

    I hope you do it! I know you can do it!

  6. I know you don't want professional help but it may be the only way to stop this problem. How well has doing it on your own worked so far?  What is the likelihood that doing it on your own will work out well now?  What if you at least tried to call a hotline or something.

  7. First off-is being skinny worth DYING?!!? It IS possible....try to eat only 2 meals a day with ONLY colorful foods. NO candy OR Grains. Nothing over 110 calories. And DONT KILL URSELF!!!Just be happy with who you are....seriously-grow up-it's not gonna be a happy ending if you keep doing this...Im here to talk...MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE!
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