
Scared to get hurt while skating?

by Guest33997  |  earlier

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ok this is like the 3rd time iv asked this question and i still cant find the right thing..i am 16 years old and i absolutely love skating but i just cant find the ability to even ollie down a curb for some f-in reason..i can ollie, shuvit, and pop shuvit..but for some reason i cant ollie down a curb or stairs or anything and i watch vids and say i wanna be just like those great people..some out there please help me!!




  1. That is what skateboarding is all about!!

    You just gotta man up and charge it.

    seriously, dont be afraid of a scraped knee

  2. Yeah just start improving your ollie then just try it... the first time I ollied off a curb my trucks snapped(they were old and crappy) and I didn't even think about it... Just pretend there's no drop.

  3. Dude ive been skating a while start on short steps or curbs and work your way up. And remember if your skaking steet the only way your gona land any tricks is if you go fast. "No joke."

  4. you gotta know how to fall safely. when you fall , dont put your arms straight out. theres achance youll sprained or break a wrist. what you do when you bail is, land on your butt or shoulders and roll your body so there's little impact. Instead of slaming your body into the ground your gonna land and roll it out.

  5. i know,i know man. me knees is skint up for from falling down like a dang clown man. i can do the skuffle hop, quadittle flop, kickback trott, sniddle drop scotch, twisty bang twirly air swift, mid air flare leggith swing.

    but enough was too much, for now me knees are backwards man.

  6. well I would just try to work my way into it.... start off with something small and then once you feel comfortable with that move on to something bigger. wear lots of padding lol.... that way if something does happen maybe it want hurt to bad.

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