Riley is 9 months old today and up to this point his table foods have been very limited. He's had a few pieces of bread, biter biscuits, mashed potatoes, ground meat (from stuffed cabbage) & cheerios. He mostly gets jarred food but lately he takes a few bites and then starts spitting it everywhere. Is he telling me that he wants big boy food? With Tyler (my oldest, eating was never an issue (until he hit 2 years old) so I don't know what to do. Riley doesn't seem ready for table foods yet. He choked on a Cheerio the other day!! I'm reading some answers on other questions on how they give their baby pieces of chicken....I'm afraid Riley would choke, even if I tore it into tiny pieces. He has 5 teeth but they are all front ones (top 4 and 1 bottom coming in) and he tries to chew with those (its really cute).
How do I let go of my worry and how do I know when he's ready??