
Scared to use tampons?

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Im On my big sisters computer again (even though im not supposed to be)

Im scared to use tampons

the reason i don like them is i dont want to get tss

or forget to remove

i already tried once and it felt scary and akward !

i also think its scary cause you cant see it inside of you

im begining gymnastics and dance soon so i really need them

if they weren't so tricky or scary i would use them

i dont like pads they leak and you have to stare at it when your in the bathroom




  1. Try using a menstrual cup!  I guess if you are afraid of tampons a menstrual cup isn't any less intimidating, and you sound like you're just a kid so maybe your mom wouldn't buy you one,  but you should at least know there are other options out there.  Look up "menstrual cup" on wikipedia or google to learn about them.  It's the only thing I use.  Popular brands include: Divacup, Mooncup, and the Keeper.

    If menstrual cups aren't for you, tampons are great, it is very rare to get TSS.

    I hate pads!  They are so uncomfortable and smell bad.

  2. Ok i just put in my first tampon 20 minutes ago so heres some tips, from a girl in the same place as you =]

    First get the kind with a silky grip applicator because i tried wth my mom, which dont have the applicator and it kinda hurts! and its really awkward pushing it up with your finger, so get the applicator

    Dont worry abotu TSS, you end up thinking about it becuase its new and kinda weird, so you wont forget, dont worry, and TSS is VERY uncommon

    To use, take the thick part of the applicator, and sit on the toilaet after you urinate. Then insiert that into where the urine was coming out, *wipe first =] lol* and slide it in at a 45 degree angle, its weird cause you cant feel it going in, so keep going until you touch your body, then use on finger to press the long thin part, and push in the tampon even further! then remove both plastic parts, and pull out, there should be no tampon showing, and you shouldnt feel it.

    its ok to have a little blood on the streing from pushing it in and the string touching the applicator, so dont htink its full. wait about 3 hours, until the string has blood on it.

    then, just pull it out!

    Its not as scary as it seems, ive tried several times, it doesnt work if you look, just put the applicator to where the opening is, and DONT LOOK! or else its so awkward and scary!

    always wear a pad or liner underneath so that when the string has blood on it, it doesnt get blood on your pants or undies.

    You cant feel it at all, btu beware, it feels a little weird, like you just told a lie, you get butterflys, but it goes away =]

    and if its a comfort, think of a role odel or tv show you like and think, they do it, so can you

    good luck xx

  3. right well, just put them in as normal, use an applicator one, its so much easier. go through the pain and push it in. then when its in just look at the string and know you can pull it out whenever you want.

    everyone says you can't feel it, and you cant really but you just KNOW its there. you wont forget since your stressing bout it so dont worry. if you wanna remember straight after dance or something or when youve just been somewhere, leave a packet of pads or tampons on your bed, or in your bag, whatever to remind you! seriously, you dont forget, you just dont.

    ALSO TSS is really uncommon, and even more uncommon from using tampons!

    hope they go well for u!

  4. OMG i'm also on the computer but not supposed to be XD

    I'm also scared to use tampons, but i'm gonna try later for my first time to so see if they'll work well with me or not...... Try tampax pearl ( i luckily have some left) If you hate pads you have no choice but to use a tampon. A tampon is less gross to handle and it doesn't feel like you're wearing a diaper. After dance or gymnastics, go to the bathroom and change....... You're steressin' over tampons. Don't worry! Just read the instructions on the box and do what it says and you'll be fine! Good luck ;)

  5. try this website maybe it might help

  6. Like some people have said, be sure to use plastic applicators. I did not want to use them at first, and found them extremely discomforting and as you say, awkward. But I got used to them and I love them now. They are so much easier than pads, and so much cleaner. But I also have a product idea that could help with your fear of TSS. It's called a Diva cup. You should look it up, but I will tell you a bit about it. It's a cup that you insert similar to a tampon and it catches the blood. You can wear it up to 12 hours, and there is no risk of getting TSS. They are about 40$.  Also, say you spent 20 dollars on tampons/pads per month. That is saving 200$ a year, as we would normally spend 240 $. Since you only need to buy one every year, and that's minimally!, you would save about 10,000 in your lifetime. If you spent 40 a month, it would be about 18,000 dollars you would save. They are easy to use for sports too. Check it out! Just look at the website I mentioned below. Good luck!

  7. I had this same prolem too.  it really is hard to use pads and be a dancer.  if you are afraid of getting tss there are tampons that suppose to be more safe for you called obi tampons.  the only problem is they are really hard to insert.  you should use a good tampon and remember to remove it every couple of hours for a couple months befor eusing them so you get use to the idea of using them.  if you just follow the directions right you should have no problems.

  8. First of all- Relax!!  It's not as scary as you think- I was as scared as you in the beginning but I use them all the time now!  It might be good for you to get the applicator ones- put the applicator half way to three quaters in then push the tampon in.  The tampon needs to be quite high up else you may feel it and it will be uncomfortable.  You can always pull it out again.  Try using one when you're at home and have no where to go, no pressure then.  Remember to not leave them in for over 8 hours or once they are full, there is always a risk of TSS but be sensible with them and change them often, don't use Super ones unless you can 'fill' them.

    Good luck!

  9. Tampon's are a great alternative to pads. They are scary at first, but soon they become a normal part of your period. I would recommend Playtex Sport, because you can't feel them at all. Also, try slim fit first, and then ease your way into bigger sizes. You won;t forget as long as you go to the bathroom- you can see the string! Sport is also easier in the way that they are easier to use, and smoother. I like them more than any other brand. And they don't leak. Believe me, I play soccer, swim, and other things. If your still worried about leaking, wear a panty-liner too. Tampons make my period so much easier, and TSS isn't extremely common. I hope you take my advice and go for it. Please! You will learn to love them.

    Hope you do it.


  10. once you get used to them you will love them but get ones that have a good applicator so they are more comfortable
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