
Scariest Paranormal Experience?

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What is your scariest experience with the paranormal?




  1. I have alot of scarie experiences. I have this aunt and she attracks ghost  she lived in this house and it was really wild one night we were sitting on her porach and the basement light came on, so we went to see why it was on and my aunt yelled who was down thear and it started growling and you could here it comming up the steps we run out on the porch and yelled for the man next door he went in the house and tried to open the basement door and it would not open we dident here it growl any more that night but that wasant the last time we herd growling.I have alot of stories i can tell you that happend in that house.

  2. I was walking across my living room one night and the television turned on by itself. That has happened twice on different occasions.

       My niece was once trying to get her friend to speak to her dead mother via a Ouija board in my niece's bedroom one evening.  They both came out of her room, saying they had seen some kind of person in the corner of the room with a black shroud over it.

  3. seeing your avatar

  4. Ok, when I was in highschool, I lived in a haunted house (and it wasn't just any haunted house, it was "The family house," like my grandpa was born in that house, and both of my great-grandparents died in it......but my great-grandmother's sister was a witch and she used to do black magic in our woods behind the house. Frieda (the evil aunt) hated my grandmother (her sister), and by chance I happen to look like her. I have experianced MANY strange thing in that house, (and for some reason Frieda liked to mess with me the most), but one day when my oldest daughter was a baby I was sitting in the family foom in a lazy-boy feeding her and watching tv (in the summertime when it was really hot- we didn't have AC), and all of a sudden I feel like there's this air conditioner blowing on me full blast. I stopped rocking and became still. It wouldn't go away and I was too scared to look in the direction of it (plus, I was the only one home at the time). So it just stayed there, blowing on me- and when I finally had the courage to look at it I saw a black hooded figure in long, druidic looking robes slowly float across the hallway into a closed door. I ran out of the house, and I didn't go back in until somebody else got home. It was freaky. I've had a lot of paranormal experiances, but that one takes the cake because I actually SAW the ghost, as plain as day. It still gives me the creeps.

  5. When I was 14-years-old the boy scout troop I was in canoed down the Catawba River near Charlotte, N.C. to this peninsula known as Pawnee Point.  It had a dirt road leading down to the end of the peninsula.  

    The first two patrols set up near the main campsite near the end of the peninsula where we pulled our canoes up; but my patrol walked up the dirt road for a ways which was on an incline and put our sleeping bags in the middle of the road, and tied a rain fly to the surrounding trees in case it rained.  Later, after nightfall settled in , it was a warm August night, and we didn't use tents, we just slept in the open.  It was one of those bright full moon nights when you can see everything in the woods.

    About 1 am I woke-up and saw someone coming up the road toward us, about 70 yards away.  I sat up in my sleeping bag on my elbows, looking down past my feet, wondering who was coming up the road.  As it got closer I began to realize what I was seeing.  It was smokey white, in the shape of an upper body, head & shoulders, but no legs, just the upper half, and it was gliding right on top of the road, so that you could say it was a torso gliding on it's waist.  It was about three feet tall in all.

    It was getting really close and was moving directly in line with me.  My heart was beating so hard in my chest it hurt and felt like it was in my throat.  I knew if it came right up on top of me I was going to  have a heart attack.  I was so scared I couldn't move; I tried and I couldn't.  I was literally paralyzed with fear as I thought this thing was going to glide right up on top of me if it continued on it's same path.

    When it was about 5 or 6 feet below my feet it veered off to it's right and glided over toward the side of the road as if to avoid the scouts sleeping at my feet and to my side.  I remember I could barely see the leaves on the bank looking through it.

    There was a scout named Gary sleeping to my side next to my feet.  The ghost moved to just the other side of him, and Gary bowed up in his sleep, like getting on his hands and feet inside of his sleeping bag, and then he laid back down.  When he bowed up like that he was between me and the ghost, obscuring my view of the ghost, and when he laid back down the ghost wasn't there anymore.

    The ghost interacted with him some way.  I really don't know what happened.  I've never heard of anything remotely like that ever happening.  It's totally weird.  That scout and I hated each other.  He always had something bad to say to me.  It makes me wonder if he was possessed  some way.  The next day I told him what happened and he was his regular nasty self in response.

    I woke-up the patrol leader next to me that night and told him I had seen a ghost, and he said I was dreaming and to go back to sleep.  I stayed awake most of the night looking around the woods.

    I don't actually believe in the disembodied spirits of dead people.  I believe demons do this kind of trickery to lead people down a false spirituality.

  6. not much, but around 3 in the morning when i was studying this coin collecter thing knocked itself over infront of me.  could have been my imagination since it was late, or early he he.... but then again this subdivision is on an old slave plantation....

  7. ok, well, one night, i was laying on my bed watching tv, and i became sleepy, so i turned it off, and theres this chair that blocks my closet, and the closet is right across my bed, and in the middle of the night , i woke up, and the tv was on, and the chair was right next to my bed, right beside it! im glad i moved! i am so freaked out!!!!

  8. When I was younger, my younger sister and I shared a bedroom. One night I couldnt sleep and was lying in my bed. I looked over at my sister and there was a man kneeling by her bed. He had his head turned towards her. He didnt look human. I couldnt see through him but he didnt look totally solid either. I just stared at the back of his head. His head was down like he was crying or praying or like showing respect or something. I just kept staring at him and suddenly he turned his head around and looked at me. I screamed and pulled the covers over my face. When my mom came in, he was gone.

  9. I closed my eyes one night and to my understand millions of red eyes were looking at me.I suffer with depression from time to time and what I was seeing was Satan and his demonic friends that he had called upon me. I was at my last stage of Possession; Satan was trying to possess me;I dealt with that for about a week or two. I posted this question up a while ago one here...Here it is...;...

  10. i dont know... i have too many encounters of paranormal... and i dont want to entertain them as much as possible so i wont be scared... but i guess the one time that i really got scared...was when i was 6 years old... well partly because im still a kid that time.

    we were asleep already, my brother, mother, father and me... when i suddenly woke up because i heard someone knocking on the door... i called my father...he didnt answer... as well as my mother... that was just strang because usually, my father gets to hear everything before we do... i mean, he's very alert since he a military too... but that night, he didnt woke up... i keep on calling him...still nothing happened... the knocking keeps on... so i walked slowly to the door to open it... but then i caught a glimpse on our clock and its past 12:00am... so i stopped and thought...why would anyone be knocking on this hour? and who could it be? to be safe... i didnt open the door and went back to my bed with my little bro... its a double decker so we're near the roof. the knocking stopped but then somebody's scratching on the roof... my family still very much asleep... it started to go louder and louder... then i sat down, ignoring the scratchings on the roof just so near my head and started praying Our Father over and over again... then it suddenly stopped...

    i checked the whole room and stared at the ceiling for quite a while beforegoing back to sleep..

    the next morning, i told my father and mother, he said, he never heared me call or anything. and he said, its a good thing i didnt open the door...

    til now, it gives me a creep...knowing that i almost opened the door...

  11. I was home alone at my dad's house and watching TV. I suddenly heard two really loud hisses in the kitchen and I was to afraid to look . Finally I looked and saw a young girl looking at me . I asked her how she got in but she ran away after asked . When I got to the kitchen to see where she was she was gone . I discovered I spoke to a ghost .

  12. I was playing videogames in my basment at about 9 PM. And in the chair right next to me a totally white/gray maybe see throughable little girl appeared I looked at her and she looked back at me and then she turned into foggy dust that dissapeared while faliing to the ground.

  13. well, i once had this teddy bear for Christmas. it was my favorite teddy bear in the whole wide had a Santa clause hat and everything. about a year later, i was in bed with my brother. i was sound asleep. he was awake. He doesn't sleep very good. he said that  he went to sleep for a little while. he threw the teddy bear on the floor that was right next to him cause it was bothering him. he went back to sleep. when he woke up in the middle of the night he says that he saw my teddy bear watching over me. he said that it was looking down at me. when he looked at it, it looked at him. then it started to wave to him. he closed his eyes and when he looked up again, it was  right beside me. where i had left it. He was not dreaming. i was not scared when he told me this because it made me think that the teddy bear was trying to tell me something. i do not think that it would have harmed me in any way.i felt protected in some weird was not his imagination either, I'm positive.

  14. Without trying to be too personal...quite a few years ago, around 4 or 4:30 in the morning, on the potty... Small bathroom and window right to your left, out of nowhere it sounds like human knuckles knock on the plastic frame of the window.  Like one, a tiny pause then two fast. *knock...knock knock*

    I just froze and stared up at that window, thankful that the blinds were down and so afraid to look out! lol

    Now I know perfectly well what it sounds like when such plastic, or the house, or whatever makes popping sounds, like settling after a days heat or whatnot. And that was not it, this sounded like a human knuckle. The only problem with that is that not only would it be impossible to reach that window from the outside without hulling a ladder, there is also a flood light that would have come on had anything move in the backyard to begin with.

    Nothing else has freaked me out but that one. I remember I quickly finished up and got the heck out of that room and went to wash my hands in the kitchen. lol

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