
Scariest dream i ever had..can someone translate what it means? 10 points for anyonee who answers.?

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wow. last night was horrifying. so the dream started off me being in school on the last day and i came outside and it was beautiful normal the sun waas out everyone was hanging around and i was with my boyfriend, then im like shoott i forgot my cellphone let me go in and grab it real quick. then he goes okay hun ill wait for you out heree so as he did i was inside running grabbing my cell and once i came outside NOONE was there and it was completely dark. and then i see my friend that moved away and i go why the h**l is it so dark, what time is it? and she goes. 10:43. i go at night?!?!? and she says no silly morning duh. so i had a relief and then again im worrried, wheres my boyfriend and all of his friends and my friends were on the other side and there not there either. so then the sun rises beautifully and im like woahhh ive never seen the sun rise before at least ill enjoy this one. and the sun looked HUGEEEE! and orangeee. and then as it was going upp. it EXPLODEDD!! i was like holyy $#!T !! and then a huge wind came and blew everyone. then thats where i saw that more people were there. but no sign of my boyfriend. me and my friend were horrified it was a scary sight. and me and my friend were holding hands (shes a girl) because the wind was huge and we didnt want to leave apart and plus shes been my friend since PRE-K. so then the sun was like alll evillish it was so creepyy. and it was like alive and telling us to do stuff. and it was like undercontroll it keep thundering throwing sparks and it was just hugeee and it kept explodinggg. so anyways i started crying cause i didnt know where my boyfriend was untill i dont know what happened but the sun went away for a while and it was still dark and i saw my boyfriend playing kickball and i was like omgggshh where were you and he didnt hear me and then a tornado came and was heading near him when i ran over there and hugged him and took his hand and ran to the other sideee. and this huge van came and it waas my friends and they were like wweeww and they were like partying and me and my boyfriend were on the side of the school and then i woke up.

what do you think that dream meantt??

it was so frkkn scaryyy.

you should have seen it when it exploded scariest sight of my life.




  1. I think it was just a wierd dream mayb ur afraid of the end of the world??

  2. idk not all dreams mean something but if your dream ended with partying and every1 being happy then its probably nothing bad. :)

  3. Try

  4. what did ya do last night?

  5. im no expert, but it could mean that u, ur bf, and ur friends are going to go through hard times with each other, but eventually all of u will make it through

  6. You fear comitment and might be afraid to go to school.  On the other hand you might just be crazy.

  7. wow!

  8. You're scared of global warming.

  9. holy ****! is this what crack does to ya. im jk. well sounds like something will happen on a day you are waiting for and anticipating when suddenly all h**l breaks loose. the h**l breaking loose could be an arguement ect.

  10. Are you a in your senior year in high school? Sounds like you are on the verge of making many new decisions and you felt like you are all alone in making them but your friends came just in time to let you know that you, your best friend, your boyfriend and all your friends are all going through these changes (some of which may be monumental, huge and a little scary at first) together.

  11. Ok, here we go.  You are going through a transition and life with the end of the school year in which there is always a uncertainty of change.  New friends new relations and the loss of previous one.  Your long time friend is an anchor in your life and that is why she was there.  The Darkness is transition and un answered questions.  The Sun could be parents and other authority for the offer guidance and security but at the same time. they come in conflict with your desires in your life.  The end the the potential storm in your relationship with your man but your friends come in and the problem is resolved by having companionship.  So look forward to what life brings its always changing and is never really the same.

  12. Ive had really horrible dreams but so far none of the things i have dreamed have related to what happens to me during the day.

  13. your friends are going through some rough times.;...

    Answer please =)

  14. It means that your friends are there for you no matter what. The boyfriend may be trouble later on. He left you when bad things happened, you couldn't find him, and you and your friends had to save him. With what happened to him, you don't trust him deep down, but you're not sure why yet.

  15. I don't think it means anything you just probably ate something before you went to bed and it didn;t agree with you!

  16. i dont think it was really telling you anything!!!! i think it was just a nitemare or sumthing

  17. Not really that scary though!!!! Maybe leave off the drugs or stop eating cheese before bed. Also it might be a good idea to go back to English class, your lack of punctuation is shockingggggggggg!!!

  18. so did you do 'shrooms or what? I would say your bf is going to leave and you will not have friends around you so you need to relize how to deal and cope with this soon.  A change is in the air........for you..........  hope its not as frightening for you as the dream.

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