
Scariest horse experience?

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what was your scariest horse experience?

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  1. i know this grl who was in the pasture with i think 2 horses. one started galloping towards her and ran her over. then the other one ran over and stood over her, not on her, until her dad came. she had hoof marks on her stomach. then on christmas, the horse that saved her life died.

  2. Morzlucky.....I am sorry that you had to go through that and that your baby did too.

    Parents will agree with me here.

    The scariest moment is watching your children on a spooked or run away horse knowing you cannot help.

    My son was riding his mare and I was riding a green broke gelding with a few other people. My sons horse spooked and went side ways and my horse which was right beside him went the other direction. Luckily he was able to calm her down and easily stayed in the saddle as all teens do "like monkeys I swear" but being the concerned parent when my horse spooked I naturally pulled back and kept him from running the whole time my eyes are watching my son and not paying a bit of attention to the fact that I am hanging off the side of this horse and pulling the reins with me along with the horse. I lucked out when I seen his face and realized he was ok but I wasn't. I was able to hit the ground lightly but quick enough to let the reins go so the horse didn't land on top of me.

  3. my friend wanted me to take his TB on the trails for the first time while he rode my horse.  We were well into the trails when all of the sudden a deer comes outta no where and was about 10 feet from the horse i was on...well, the deer bolted and my friends horse ( the tb i was riding ) appearenlty thought it was a race; it was fun for me...until we came to like a little stream thing and the horse stopped like right at the edge and i got tossed out of my saddle and was cought in my stirrup...thank god the horse didnt freak out completly and my friend was able to dismount my horse and help me....i guess that would be the most scariest only because of what could have happened.  But it was fun....only cause i didnt get hurt lol :p

  4. So, I was new to horseback riding, and really new to cantering (never cantered before).So, I got paired up with a huge thouroughbred named Dodger. I had herd horrible stories about Dodger.So, I got on Dodger, and right from the start, he pulled the reins out of my hands. I picked them up, and it happend about 40 more times!!! He was following the riding instructor, and pawing to the ground like he was going to bolt!!! MY RIDING INSTRUCTOR DID NOT HELP ME!!!! I was getting attaked by this animal!!! I was freaking out inside!!!

    So we came to the trot, and my instructor held on to my horse, and he threw his head up, and started cantering all the way across the arena!!! I was sliding off!!! My riding instructor said, pull back and say woah...... ya, Im gonna do that... WHEN my reins are NOT in my HANDS!!!! So, the other, better one stopped my horse for me. Scariest thing ever!

  5. i got a new horse and i was riding him for the first time. i guess i wasnt paying attention or somthing cause hE suddenly went from a jog to a lope and then kicked  up his heels and fell off. luckily i was wearing a helmet!!

  6. This didn't happen to me happened to another person I boarded with years ago.  On a trail ride, she decided to walk her horse into a creek to let him get a drink.  When they got in, it was deeper than it had appeared.  She hadn't taken the reins down over the horse's head to lead him in...they were closed reins, the kind that form a big loop from bit ring to bit ring.  She led him in by one side of the rein loop... he began pawing the water, and when he put his head down to drink, he caught his leg in the rein.  He panicked and fell, and couldn't get back up...he flailed his legs as his head kept going under..the owner couldn't get at the reins and couldn't help him, and he drowned in a couple feet of water. I've had close calls and scary accidents,  and I wasn't with them when this happened, but heard about it when the barn manager was called and asked for help to get the horse out of the creek.  Most of the scary things I've done or seen ended up okay...this one ended up the worst of any I can remember.

  7. moorluckee, i feel so sorry for you. that story brought me to tears, and i am still bawling now. my greatest condolences. no person should ever have to go through that. once again, i am terribly sorry for what happened.

  8. My worst experience happened about 2 months ago.

    There was a tornado in the area that we live in and me and my mom were trying to get the horses in the barn out of the weather cause the lightening was horrible and she was leading one horse and i was leading the other two horses.

    The horse my mom was leading spooked at something in the bushes and took off backwards which scared the horses i was leading.  The horse on my right reared up and knocked me into the horse on my left which jumped sideways causing me to fall to the ground. He lost his balance and stumbled stepping on my rib cage.  Very painful and scary.  Never attempting that again.

  9. my horse reared up and knocked me off when i was herding cattle and i got stepped on by a few cows..i was only 9

  10. i was training my horse to jump but a loud noise went off and we were jumping at the time and he bucked just before he jumped and i landed straight on the jump and he cantered off but came back. Had a massive bruise up my back though

  11. i was trialing a horse, supposadly easy to ride and all of a sudden he bolted and wouldnt stop, i fell for the first time.

    My friends quite TB gelding went crazy for the first time, he bolted, bucked and then reared.

  12. Umm... I haven't had anything that was really terrifying. My mare fell on top of me one time but it was in a soft arena so no harm really except some minor whip lash. Another time I was on a trail ride with my TB and he started getting really frustrated because of the bugs. any way he took of on me and when i finally got him stopped he reared. The rearing wasn't so much the scary part but the fact that I stopped him on a paved road and he had back shoes on freaked me out. All I could think of was him slipping and falling back on me, plus we were right next to a main road and I was worried that he would run off and get hit. Anyway, I somehow managed to slip of while he was in mid air and he came down and just stood there looking at me with this terrified expression in his eyes.

    I guess the scariest horse experience would probably be when we were jump judging at a big horse trial. We saw that ralph hill was coming up next so we turned to watch him come over the jump before ours. anyway his horse hit the jump and flipped and he ended up having to be air lifted to the hospital. yeah so it was pretty much horrifying. (he's since recovered thankfully)

  13. i was riding this thorough breed in an indoor ring and it was raining so the tin roof was making alot of noise and she started to spook. she started galloping full speed and trying to buck me and smash me into walls.i was really scared because my knee was just getting better ( recent injuries to it) i ended up holding on or the whole thing and never fell off.i managed to stop her after along time and just lunged her til she was better.

  14. 3 years ago at a horse backriding summer camp on the third day I rode a different horse and half way through the lesson and they horse tripped but didnt fall. The next time around the horse tripped and fell on the ground and I fell over its head and the horse took off.  I wasn't hurt but stopped riding for a year.

  15. I was on a trail about a mile out from the barn with a small group (my mom and two teenagers). I was on three year old (at the age of 10 how smart was that) and I had never ridden her before so I opted not to trot/canter and walked with one of the other girls to the end of the trail where we would all meet up. Both of our horses walked fast and we made it to the end of the trail before the other people (who had taken the long way). We were waiting and the young (5-6 year old) gelding behind us decided to take an intrest in the mare I was on. She went balistic. Total rodeo pony. After 6-7 huge bucks she took off back to the barn. The gelding spooked and tried to run with her which fired her up even more. I lost a stirrup and she had a simple D-ring bit. Not exactly best conditions for trying to stop a run away. After about a 1/2 mile or so (over a bridge and through the woods....thank God she was skinny and fit between the trees) she started bucking again. I got a nice flying lesson. She kept going. All I remember about the fall was a hoof getting really close to my face. Thankfully it didnt hit and it proved a good distraction from hitting the ground. She made it saftely back to the barn. Somehow I wasnt hurt and pretty much knew where I was. I crawled back to the main trail (she had taken a little used side trail) where I met up with some random lady. My mom trotted up shortly there after. She had taken a while to get there cause she didnt want to gallop after us and re-spook my horse.

    I relived the fall in my mind for awhile which was the hardest part. There was so much that could have gone wrong. I ended up being forced back on my 17 year old to lazy to spook quarter horse. I cried when ever he went above a walk cause I was sure he would take off. I never did get back on the mare. It turned out she was in heat and no one had noticed (genius I know) which was why she had reacted so badly to the gelding. I learned a lot about horses that weekend and the fall probably proved good for me. I no longer underestimate ANY horse. So there is my scariest. Sorry for the novel but this is one ride I will NEVER forget.

    Some one needs to do a stupidest (which isnt a word) horse fall..... All of mine seemed smart when I came up with them though. They just didnt work out all that amazing.

  16. okay.. well..

    i was riding this stubborn shetland cross named treasure. she wouldn't canter. (i was kinda new to cantering so didn't kno exactly what to do.) i had my feet out of the stirrups because my riding instructor was adjusting them. all of a sudden, she cantered off and around the ring like.. twice. i was freaking out! but, in a way, it helped me without stirrups.

    it may not be the scariest thing, but keep in mind, i was like.. 8.

  17. i was like 5 years old  just got my horse we were riding down

    the road and a couple of white stallions ran up from the pasture on the other side of the road.spooked my horse and we rared ALOT it was the 1st  time i had been on a horse when he rared.but i stayded on!

  18. Well I have a few, some are scary, some strange and some funny. The 2 scariest was 4 of us were out on a trail ride, me, sister, her husband and my nephew. As we were riding on a new trail for us, the Gully trail, as we called it, at the bottom was a stream bed, we were told to be careful as some areas were a quagmire, like quicksand. So were on our way staying clear when all of a sudden my nephews horse, a 20 yr old MFT,  shys from something, of course she never shys, except today! and BAM she in that c**p, its like 1/2 quicksand and 1/2 clay just awful c**p she immediately sinks up to her belly, my nephew gets safe but this horse is STUCK and struggling, we are trying to get her to stop fighting as its making her sink faster. Thank God we had a rope with and a knife. My sister is also up to her waist getting stepped on and kicked and the mare is trying desperately to regain any kind of footing, we put the rope around the saddle horn and while I pulled my sister had to reach down into the thick clay and get her legs free so she wouldn't snap them off, still  getting the c**p kicked out of her. this is taking some time, as we are thinking it doesnt matter if we get her out she gonna die of shock, my sister is a vet btw. finally in combination of me pulling and her freeing legs we finally manage to pull her sideways across the top of clay trap as she gets to her feet shaking like a leaf. We were still a good hour ride away from home and medical help. All and All, we made it home and she only had some minor scratches and made a full recovery, shes still going strong. Scary, never leave home without a rope and a knife, never. The other scary one for me was we were out on a trail ride again, the 4 of us and Im in up front with my nephew close behind riding along at a nice lope, and my sister yells and points to head up the hill, so i continue at a nice slow lope up the hill and I hear my sister yelling, I can hear her but cant make out what shes saying, I turn my head around as I  reach the top of the hill , only to find out its a drop off.......down goes the horse, he does a complete somersault as do I,  I land on my feet, still holding onto the one rein and catch my sunglasses mid-air, the horse ends up on his feet, not a scratch and my nephew goes, "that was the coolest thing I have ever seen, It looked like a move from the movie the Matrix" Unfortunately, that was the accident that landed me in the hospital for a week with a bulging L5 disk injury. The horse was fine, not a scratch. I have tons more but dont want to bore

  19. Well I haven't really had one because I take lessons and I ride really well trained horses but.. let me think....ok well i was on a trail ride and walked right past a HUGE water holder thing and this big boom went off in it and my horse spooked and thats it lol not really scary at all oh well I tried haha

  20. (if you have a weak stomach, caution reading) IT will be three years agon on October 9th. I was trailering two horses back from a college rodeo in San Luis Opispo. My college was North of Tahoe in the Mountains. So we had about a 9-10 hr. haul. When I was about an hour to an hour an a half from Sacramento I felt a huge motion from my trailer. Nothing I had ever heard before. I had my Horse Misty and Oskar in there. Misty had been trailered all over the West Coast. She was only 7. I owned her since she was 2 weeks old. Well anyway I was like that didn't sound right. I pulled over on the shoulder of Interstate 5 and had a friend jump out and see what was going on. He came back and said my mare was on the ground. I was like thats wierd. Maybe she fell asleep. (not normal) I had a 2 horse slant load Apache made by Circle J. I jumped out and looked. I thought well  maybe she can't get up cause her head is tied so I untied her so she could get up, but still nothing. So I thought maybe she is affraid to hit the divider(she was in the back slot). So I thought Ill get in there and help her get up safely (because she was that kinda horse, she never panicked in situations). So I opened the back door and thats when the worst thing I had ever seen showed its ugly face. My mare rolled farther on her back to where I could see her stomach and I got more then I asked for. Her whole stomach had split open from chest to t***s. It was right down the middle of her (like when you clean a fishes guts out.) Everything was out. I saw her intestines and all. I panicked threw the gate shut because she was trying to come out and I was still on the Interstate. At this point more of my team mates were pulling up. there were about 4 or 5 rigs lined up. They threw me in another truck and drove mine to the nearest off ramp to a field. They needed to get Oskar out because she was thrashing a lot and kicking him. They luckily got him out.  Now just about my whole team was there (about 40) all with rigs. We called as many people as we could to get help etc. There was no hope she was dying and stepping on her self. They waited for me to make the call and I finally was able to actually say go ahead help her on her way. Even if their was a vet in my trailer at the time of the burst she would not have been able to be saved. She would have suffered longer and died of damage or infection. Unfortunetly we couldn't get a vet there to help us and euthinize her or even animal control or an officer to shoot her. No one would come out. As wierd as it seemed no one had a gun with us either. (a bunch of cowboys and hunters, usually one will have one).But not this time. Its a hard reality to face but they had to cut her throat to help her die faster because she was just bleeding to death at a slow rate. We thought of driving to Davis but she would have died on the way there from all the bleeding. So the best thing was to cut her throat. I didnt watch that part. They took me away. I can still hear her cry for help when she went into shock and was standing up like nothing was wrong except screaming to the other horses. I hope it is a sound that non of you have to hear. It is a haunting sound that never goes away. I had to sell my trailer because after they cleaned it for me and then I bleached it 5 times I still smelt death even though everyone else thought it was fine. We never got an actual conclusion as to what really happened in the trailer. But when she was about 2 months old we had to have surgery done because of a hernia. well I learned later that sometimes the stomach linning wont heal up as strong and over time it gets weaker and weaker until one day something as easy as a cough/sneeze/bump in the road can cause it to burst. My team and coach drove her the rest of the way to my college and burried her out in a field under some big trees. So now and again I drive by there and visit. I am in a new town because I transfered to a university, but I am planning on moving back up there.

    Thanks Easy Rider and Equus

  21. wintecs saddles stirrups are terrible & very different, they just kinda hook on, but i was about to jump about 4 ft, my highest yet, and right when i went up in my two point my stirrup flew off and my whole body flew off the saddle and landed right on the jump, but of course that scared my horse x.x

    i wasnt hurt, just scared.

  22. I was at my first hosre show ansd the schooling ring was nuts, so my horse toook off, and i fell off and i landed like underneath another horse, i was only like 7 it was so scary

  23. a shetland pony bucked me of the off his shoulder trampled me and kicked me in the head..i was only 7 or 6

  24. I was quietly riding my own horse on a quiet, well known trail on my own farm, enjoying the fresh air and birds singing, riding on the buckle.  The horse was happy, walking freely forward, ears pricked.  A trail ride like we'd done a million times.

    Next thing I knew, my horse was backing up at about a hundred miles an hour, half rearing every step, bonking me in the face with his poll.  It was so fast, and I couldn't get off because his head kept bonking me back into the saddle when I'd go to get off.

    He kept backing up, his hind end lower and lower and his head higher and higher, till he was completely sitting down for just a fraction of a second before he went over backwards on top of me.  I was already dazed and concussed from the bonking, and hardly aware what was going on at this point.  

    He landed on top of me.  Didn't feel good to him (or me either), so he rolled off.  Then, instead of getting up, He ROLLED BACK over me the other way, then decided to get up.  He thrashed around, struggling to get up, walking all over me.  I couldn't move by this time, though I was conscious.

    He finally regained his feet, looked at me laying in a bloody heap, and calmly began to graze!!  

    After what seem like an hour but was probably just a few seconds, my riding buddy, who hadn't immediately realized I was in trouble (she was in the lead), reached us.  She'd seen the end of it, but from a distance.  My first words were...  "M'glasses....  Can't see..." because I'm blind as a bat in daylight without them.

    As it turned out, the horse was in worse shape then me.  Despite years of experience, I had had no warning that he was infected with EPM.  This was the first symptom we'd seen.  He had completely lost control of his hind legs for just long enough.  After that, I didn't ride him, of course, until he was diagnosed, treated, and rehabilitated.

    So my SCARIEST HORSE EXPERIENCE was....     (drum roll, please!)                                       ... getting back on him 3 years later!

  25. ive never had an experiance that was scary enough to drive me away from horses. but i have taken bad falls.  just recently my horse was troting along a fence and a yappy little dog came running out of nowhere and chased after the horse. my horse took off and i went flying off and landed on my side. now i have a bruise on my hip the size of a hand print. but i always get right back on.

  26. I was lunging my 14h pony when I was 10 and he just went into canter but all of a sudden he started pigarooting and was very lose to kiking me, I calmed him down after about five minutes then got on him, It had rained the week before and it was hot so the ground was hard as rock. We just went in to a anter when all of a sudden he stopped i took my left foot out of the stirrup to get off when all of the sudden he started bolting down this massive hill we have in his padock and my other foot came out of the stirrup and he pigarooted i went flying over his head breaking my arm in two places when having him trample on my legs, wasn't fun!

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