
Scariest thing thats ever happend to u or some one u know...?

by Guest65113  |  earlier

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or just a really scary storie




  1. a person died when she saw a collection of screamer faces

    no-one i know it was a video on you tube ages ago

  2. Night scuba diving off Santa Barbara. Got told there was a Great White Shark in the water (there actually was, a ten footer) and my partner got tangled in kelp. I had to slowly disentangle him while in a near panic. As we returned to the dive boat a lemon shark went past us really fast, and we thought the White was between us and the boat. We moved extremely slow back to the boat.

    That was even scarier than when I got shot in the arm.

    Both are true.

  3. I recieved anal from my father and when I woke up it was too late.

  4. When I was two blocks away and the Federal Building in Oklahoma City was blown up. An axel landed on a car in front of me. I lost my right knee cap, evidently to rebar fragments, and am nearly deaf in my left ear.  

  5. i once woke up to find i was still wearing socks

  6. I had an serious operation.

  7. My brother's 1st visit to the Philippines since living in the US...He wasn't allowed to go to my Grandfather's burial (USAF orders) even though he was stationed in S. Korea at the time and closer to the PI...Anyways he visited all the rooms in the house we grew up in and in my Granparents' bedroom my Grandpa's golf club was on the bed, the person in charge told him that there was nothing on the bed and none of the househelp put anything there (my Grandma's been sleeping downstairs in the study since she's been ill and has a hard time walking a few steps, so it couldn't have been her either)...They just looked at each other

  8. when i fall down stairs i feel like im going to pass out.  

  9. I was possessed for a time.

    Most unpleasant business.

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