
Scaring, and how do you do it?

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I'm going to be acting in a haunted house. This is my first time, and I'm not sure what to do or say to freak the peoples out. I've acted in a haunted hay ride before, but this seems to be different. So help.




  1. I'm currently going into my 4th year as a manager at a huanted house in Round Lake Beach IL and here's what  tell my actors...

    NEVER, EVER tell people to get out.  That's the #1 rule of haunting.  People paid to be there, don't tell them get out, in fact, I've found that telling them you want them to stay scares them even more.

    Work on some sort of voice.  High pitched, if you're a male, can throw people off.  Low pitched, if you're a female has the same effect.

    Knowing what to say largely depends on what room your in.  Work with the theme.  If it's a kitchen, move in close and sniff them, then tell them they'd make a great side dish for dinner tonight.  You can seriously invade someone's personal space and creep them out with touching them (which you definately want to avoid touching people - that just makes them mad!!)

    Our #1 motto is this - if you can't scare them, gross them out - if you can't gross them out, make them laugh.  It's not always about being SCARED, they're there to be ENTERTAINED, overall.

    Hope some of this helps.  Once you find out what kind of a room/scene you'll be working, feel free to email me if you need more suggestions.  :o)

  2. 1. Stand very still in a pose and be like a statue. When a group of people walks by, jump out, put your hands in claw position and growl/roar/scream.

    2. Make a fake cage and sit/stand inside it. When people come by be ballistic screaming Let me outta here!  or Help! while shaking the bars to the cage.

    When you get there they will most likely be given some instruction if you are preforming some type of skit. The key is to either look really scary and evil or very frightened to make others feel frightened

  3. paint around your eyes black and your face white, or buy fake blood and put it every where, even on your clothes! be morn full and scary, act like you are an evil spirit and want to haunt poeple. that should help a bit

  4. Ok well..

    1. Look VERY scary, so scary you scare yourself. Black and red is a rockish scary color.

    2.Hide and jump, follow people around and get so close you could touch them (Don't touch them)

    3. Jump out of unexpected places.

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