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my daughter is 2 and i am planning on doing a scrap book for her of all of the years when she grows up then give it to her on her high school graduation is that dumb? is there any good site i can look at for some ideas on how to do it




  1. Dumb?! Do you know how much I wish my mother had done this for me?? There are tons of good sites out there but you may want to start with a Yahoo! group where you can interact with other scrappers. Good luck, have fun, and don't let wanting your pages to look like the elaborate creations created by experienced people (with money to spare) keep you from getting started--like I did! :-(

    Oh, and don't forget the Dollar Store and the library!

  2. Why would this be dumb?  Lots of people scrapbook including myself.

    Do you have local scrapbook stores?  Most stores will offer free classes.  That's how I got started.  I paid $20 to take a beginners class that was 6 weeks long.  It was great, and I even got an extra discount on items available in the store.  

    Another great website is  

    They have galleries where people upload their cards and scrapbooks.  Plus they have very helpful forums.

  3. It's a great idea.  I suggest making two books; one for her and one for you to keep.

    On Yahoo or Google, type in scrapbook tips, or scrapbook layouts.

  4. I love the idea and she will love it too.  Be prepared for spending a lot of time on my house there are always way more pictures than there is time to scrap them!  My favorite sites for ideas are Two Peas in a Bucket and A Cherry On Top.  You can also use Google to find specific themes ideas.  (Just do a regular google search, for, say, birthday scrapbook page, and then click on images).  You can also buy page kits that tell you exactly where to put everything.  If there is a scrapbook store near you (specifically scrapbooks, not a craft store) they might have a weekly crop meeting where you pay $5 or so and make a whole page to take home at each you end up with a page a week, plus meet lots of people and get lots of ideas there too.

  5. That is an excellant plan and when your daughter is old enough it will mean more to her if she is allowed to help. How old is old enough?  That's for you to decide but I wouldn't suggest this as mother daughter time until she is at least eight and then only if she shows an intrest.  I suggest googleing scrapbooking with your daughters age  in mind.  A site for toddlers will work now but in a few years you'll probably need to look for a school theme or a theme for what ever interests her.  In the end she'll have an important record of her life and a strong bond with you and I bet she starts another scrap book when she goes to college and has kids of her own.  Go for it!
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