
Scary Animal?!?! Help!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so i cut on my deck light and there is a little patch of woods in our back yard and i saw this long, creepy animal with a long white tail! Omg i ahve chill bumps! What is that creature?!? Help!




  1. Possibly a phantom squirrel. Best be on your toes, those ARE nasty little creatures!

  2. Get out ya gun cus its a possum... I dont actually shoot them cus I aint allowed to (Although their a pest where I used to live) but they still dont like the sound of a gun going off... I use a cap gun now... How I miss spotlighting...

  3. Possible animals:

    -A possum always nocturnal, I suggest leave him/her alone.

    -A squirrel.

    -A cat on a daily hunt.

    Can you at least give a fuller desciption?

  4. my guess would be an opposum. Don't be afraid of it..they are nocturnal and extremely shy!!!

  5. A cat?

    Can you give a better description as well as a location?

  6. It was an opossum.  It scared the holy c**p out of me when I saw one for the first time, running along my backyard fence.

  7. yeah, your description STILL doesn't really help us... Did it walk on four legs? Was it cat like? Dog like? Rat like? Or was it snake like? Was it small? Medium? Big? Did you happen to see the color of its body? Where do you live?

    See, all these things would REALLY help us to know.

    A white tailed fox squirrel. Has a white tail. Body looks elongated as it runs

    Opposum. they have long Rat like tails. Usually white or light tan. The body isn't really long though, its fattish. And they don't run that fast

    SO... more details please? Or are you just going to insult me for not "understanding your question", as well?

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