I had a disturbing dream last night. Please help me interpret. I dreamt that my doctor informed me that I only had one year to live. That year past and it was time for me to be euthanized. I went with my mother and twin sister (btw, I don’t have a twin sister in real life) to the pet cemetery where we buried my dog last year. There, we brought a replica of my dog’s coffin for me to be buried in. The man who sold it to us was the same man who sold us my dog’s coffin. In the dream, the man also doubled as a lawyer who told my twin sister she only had 4-5 years to live. Afterwards, we went back to our home, where my relatives had gathered. I laid in the coffin waiting to have the euthanasia administered. Suddenly, my relatives all went downstairs and I began to panic. I begged my mother not to euthanize me. I told her I felt better and thought I would be able to live an extra year (even though the truth was all my energy was draining from my body). My mother wouldn’t have it. Right before I was euthanized, I told my mother I did not want her to dwell on her feelings of loneliness after I’m gone (my mother is a single parent in both my dream and in real life). I also told her that, had I lived, I would’ve been great (I’m 20 years old, in both my dream and real life). I also told her I was excited to see what was on the other side.