
Scary Dream!!?

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I keep having this dream every few months, at least I think it's a dream. I slowly feel like something is on top of me and I can't move at all, no matter how hard I try. My eyes are open and I can see around the room. I keep thinking to myself that all I have to do is move an arm or a leg and I'll snap out of it, but it becomes the impossible task. When I do finally move I instantly snap out of it, but if I lay there I can feel myself slipping into it again. When I snap out of it again I get out of bed and stay up all night. What is this?




  1. What you are experiencing is actually a common event.  I don't remember the name of it, but essentially what happens is that you wake up in mid REM state of sleep.  While everyone is sleeping their body secretes a chemical that paralyzes you so you don't act out your dreams which is why you couldn't move.    The pressure on your chest and the illusion of something is on top of you is also a common trait of this experience.  

    I'm assuming you were sleeping on your stomach, if you had been sleeping on your back you most likley would have seen a character of some kind sitting on your chest!  This awaken dream occurs is supposivley also responsible for many stories of alien abduction.

  2. i don't know what it is but maybe u should see a therapist

  3. I think it is a demon that is bothering you. As such you need to pray before going to bed asking jesus Christ to protect you and your family. Then you need to command that demon to leave you, your dreams and your house alone in the name of Jesus Christ. If you ever get this sensation again where you can't move, in your mind (thoughts) command that demon to leave you alone in the name of Jesus Christ..

  4. Do you say your prayers every night?

  5. Yea, do u pray everynight? Cuz i mean if u dont, u shuld really consider doing so. Ask God to keep your mind and body and soul as you sleep.
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