
Scary Rides?

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I'm going to an amusment park soon, but i'm just really scared of going upside down. What are some good TIPS i can use during rides? Like there is this ride called the ring of fire, and it puts you upside down for like 5 seconds. I'm super afraid, but then i want to go on it. And the drop of doom, where they take you up high and drop you, ive been on that, but it's just scary when it drops you unexpectedly, HELP! TIPSSS




  1. Keep your eyes shut and sit next to a friend so at least you won' have to do it alone...the feeling of the ride is worse than the view...

  2. YOu know you wont get hurt. 5 seconds isnt bad. My advice use the rides as a good thing. USe them to overcome your fears.

  3. Sweetie, dont listen to the guy who said not to go on it. You ride it if you want to. Just close your eyes, its very very hard to even tell that your upside-down in a ride if your eyes are closed. And for tips, what i normally do to make myself feel better if im feeling a little bit afraid, is to look in line for kids who are younger than me. and i tell myself, "If they can ride this, and be that little, i DEFFINATLY can ride this" Another tip is just to tell yourself, theres nothing to be afraid of, your not going to get hurt or anything. You have a bigger chance of getting hurt on your way to a park than when your in the park riding things. Another thing you can do, is if you dont like the ride, just tell yourself, its going to be over in a few seconds. Rides generally arent that long. Another thing, go to the park and ride things with someone you love and trust, so you can talk to them while your waiting in line, make sure its someone who loves rides and wont let you chicken out. That helps to. I used most of these tips to get myself on the Top Thrill Dragester which is one of the tallest fastest rides in the world.  :o]

  4. Make sure to ride it with someone you feel safe with. It will help.

  5. close your eyes and count to 10

  6. I'm one of the biggest daredevils around. I'll go on any ride and most recently, I went skydiving. Ready for this? DO NOT GO ON THE RING OF FIRE! I know. It doesn't make ansy sense. But I'll tell you right now, I've been on that ride before. It is the most unsafe ride I've evern been on. I literally felt myself coming out of my seat and I was basically hanging on by wrapping my feet around the "safety" bar. I will condone any ride except that one!

  7. I am a person that love scary rides i can handle anything going upside down flipping u name it.But when i saw that ring of fire at my local fair i didn't want to go on it becuz i didn't like the thought of being upside down for more than a minute.Most rollercoasters iv'e been on when they go upside down u can't feel it cuz it goes by so fast.But with the ring of fire u will know when ur upside down.Plus u got to realize that the people are always putting up and taking down those rides so u don't really know how safe they are.
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