
Scary Stories--10 pts 4 the scariest

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I love scary stories!!!! Can you plzz tell me any that you know? Thxx =]




  1. ok, my grandfather told me that his sister used to come to our house by the back stairs every night at 6.00pm, but one night she was late, footsteps were heard at the back door, and when my grandfather went to open it, there was a fireball floating at the door. it then disappeared. honest story.

  2. Two dormmates in college were in the same science class. The teacher had just reminded them about the midterm the next day when one dormmate — let's call her Juli — got asked to this big bash by the hottest guy in school. The other dormmate, Meg, had pretty much no interest in going and, being a diligent student, she took notes on what the midterm was about. After the entire period of flirting with her date, Juli was totally unprepared for her test, while Meg was completely prepared for a major study date with her books.

    At the end of the day, Juli spent hours getting ready for the party while Meg started studying. Juli tried to get Meg to go, but she was insistent that she would study and pass the test. The girls were rather close and Juli didn't like leaving Meg alone to be bored while she was out having a blast. Juli finally gave up, using the excuse that she would cram in homeroom the next day.

    Juli went to the party and had the time of her life with her date. She headed back to the dorm around 2 a.m. and decided not to wake Meg. She went to bed nervous about the midterm and decided she would wake up early to ask Meg for help.

    She woke up and went to wake Meg. Meg was lying on her stomach, apparently sound asleep. Juli rolled Meg over to reveal Meg's terrified face. Juli, concerned, turned on the desk lamp. Meg's study stuff was still open and had blood all over it. Meg had been slaughtered. Juli, in horror, fell to the floor and looked up to see, written on the wall in Meg's blood: "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights!"

    True story seriously  

  3. Barry Hussein Obamba is elected President of the United States and his picture will placed on the $3.00 (three dollar bill), a new piece of currency that he has decreed must be issued in his honor.

    [doesn't get any scarier than that, kid)

  4. Well this happened to me when i was little, i remember i was like 8 and my sister and i had bunk beds, i got the top one, so when i was sleeping one night i remember i had trouble falling asleep all the way, so i kept tossing and turning, i did that for a while, my sister was spending the night at my aunties house that night, so it was just me and my parents, they were in there own room, so all of a sudden i turned towards the door facing the hallway,...omg, i will never forget what i saw, there was this big dark image that look like a mans body, but you can still see it had a beard, it was just standing there looking at me, i couldn't move, i was in shock, so in fear i pulled the covers over myself and waited, i wanted to scream to my parents but i was too scared, so i can say i was under the covers sweating a good half hour, so i decided to peek to see if it was my imagination, i look towards the door again and this muther-efer was right next to my bed with his arms crossed on top of my bunk...omg!!!!! i screamed soooooo loud my mom came in and turned the lights on....god, it was the scariest sh** i have ever been through....true story!!

  5. In A hotel called union inn. alone in a room. red figure. screamed so loud neighbors came in our suite to see nothing there sleep nightmares  

  6. He woke up, agonizing. His limbs felt like they were on fire, he regretted looking at them. His bones had shot out of his fingertips, leaving splurts of blood where they forcefully exited flesh. His ankles were reversing, even snapping into place with a loud crack when skin would just tear and grow back again. Yet strangely, he could not make any sound except a low rumble. He felt himself expand, abominizing into another thing all while concious.

  7. this happened to me at my old hopuse. my old house was haunted or at least I think so. One time I was playing indoors by my self but I wasn't home alone. my mom was in the kitchen. I was about 7 or 8 and I had the feeling like some one or something was watching me from the basement but the door was closed. I decided to check it out but when I opened the door I saw there was no one there. however I did hear a sound that isn't a normal soud that an old house would make. it sounded like a wolf and a lion or a tigger fighting. To this day I have no clue as to what it was.

  8. ↓This place is super haunted and the story behind in is all typed here.↓

    Borley Rectory was built in 1863 for the Revd Henry Bull. It was erected on the site of an ancient monastery and the ghost of a sorrowful nun who strolled along the so called "Nun's Walk" was already well known in the villagers at that time. An old story claimed that she was a wayward sister from the nearby nunnery at Bures who had fallen in love with a monk from the Borley Monastery. The two had tried to elope together but had been quickly tracked down. The monk was executed and the nun bricked up in the cellars of the monastic buildings!

    Revd Bull had a summer-house put up overlooking the Nun's walk so that he could watch the manifestations. However, the lady soon became something of nuisance: often startled guests by peering at them through the windows of the new rectory. Servants rarely stayed long. The Reverend's four daughters even saw the lady gliding across the lawn in broad daylight. The hauntings increased during the incumbency of Henry Bull's son, Harry. Apparitions now included a ghostly coach and horses seen racing up the rectory drive

    1927 saw the death of the last of the Bulls, and the Revd Eric Smith and his wife arrived at the rectory. They had been warned of the building's reputation and took the precaution of inviting the well-known psychic researcher, Harry Price, to visit. Mr. Price's arrival appears to have set in motion an outburst of inexplicable poltergeist activity. Objects were smashed and stones hurled at the investigator by unseen forces. It was all too much for the Smiths and they left after only two years.

    Mysterious Writings appearedThe rectory now became the home of Revd Lionel Foyster and his family, and the ghostly phenomena immediately took a turn for the worse. The resident phantom appears to have taken a liking to the rector's young wife, Marianne. She often had objects thrown at her, but even more strange were the messages addressed to Marianne which began to appear scrawled on the walls of the house - even while witnesses watched! However, despite attempts at communication, most remained unintelligible. Though one certainly read, "Marianne, please help get" and another, "Pleas for help and prayers".

    Taking the bull by the horns, the Revd Foyster had Borley Rectory exorcised. The result was positive at first and the manifestations stopped. However, it was not long before they reappeared in a new form. Strange music would be heard from the nearby Church, communion wine would unaccountably turn into ink, the servants bells in the house rang of their own accord and the Foyster's child was attacked by "something horrible". The rector had had enough. The family left and all successive incumbents refused to live in the house.

    Harry PriceIntrigued by the further reports of psychic activity at Borley, Harry Price returned in 1937 and rented the building himself. He advertised in The Times for trustworthy assistants and, in a prolonged psychic investigation, he attempted to get to the bottom of the hauntings. With a team of forty-eight observers he logged an extraordinary number of psychic phenomena. The most bizarre was perhaps the results of a seance held on 27th March 1938. A ghostly communicant from beyond the grave claimed that the the rectory would catch fire in the hallway that night and burn down. A nun's body would be discovered amongst the ruins. An extraordinary assertion, particularly as nothing happened.

    Harry Price's lease ran out later that year, and the building was taken on by one Captain Gregson. He too was subjected to continuing mysterious happenings, including the disappearance of his two dogs. Then, exactly eleven months to the day after the curious ghostly warning, an oil lamp unaccountably fell over in the hall and Borley Rectory burnt to the ground. Witnesses claimed to have seen ghostly figures roaming around and through the flames, while a nun's face peered down from an upper window.

    Harry Price returned again in 1943. Digging in the cellars, he discovered the jawbone of a young woman. Convinced that it was part of the body of the spectral nun, he attempted to end the hauntings by giving the bone a Christian burial.

    Borley Parish Church - still haunted today!It does not seem to have worked. Supernatural happenings are still reported from the site of the rectory and the nearby churchyard. And Borley has an eerie air about the place that visitors cannot help but remark upon.  

  9. I was in my great grandmothers house she died 2 years before and my grandfather was just looking through her stuff after a couple minutes I went to check on him and he was pale I was scared so I dialed 911 The cops looked at the house my grandfather was still pale after acouple of hours I asked him what he saw he said "Child I will tell you the day before I die" So a year later he was diagnosed with cancer when he was really sick he called me over and gave me a note. I didnt want to look at it but I said thank-you and brought it home as I opened it I read

    "Child, a year earlier you asked what I saw And I saw...A light from a candle It didnt do anything but it moved closer to me It was right in my face and I saw a face in the light it was your grand....

    Thats all the note said

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