
Scary dream, what it means?

by Guest45553  |  earlier

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i just had a random dream where my town was being bombed

and for some reason no one was caring

does it have something to do with the war




  1. when you sleep your stomach must be empty

  2. try to stay away from the news==

  3. I've always questioned the idea that dreams have specific meanings. I think dreams are mainly the subconscious' way of going through emotions you have been feeling lately. So it might just mean that you've been stressed or worried about things lately.

  4. Dreams only have the meaning we give them while we're conscious, scientifically speaking.

    They really need to make an astrology category, as dream interpretation definitely does not belong under social science or any other "science" heading.

  5. I think this just means that even when there's stupid things going on around you, there's really no point in getting involved.  For example, maybe it had to do with the election, where each political party is being bombed.  Maybe you're supposed to not care?

    Well that sounded dumb, but it's an answer lol.

  6. i doubt it. did u wach a scary movie be 4 bed? thats wta happens to me! after a scary movie i have to watch cartoons and then i forget and DONT have scary nightmares!!

  7. Do you know anyone invovled in the war?

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