I have been having certain type of dreams from last six to eight months. First when I used to think about my future and be a little stressed. I got dreams like 2, 3 men are after my life and im running to save myself.
Like once I was trying to escape and run because they are throwing stones at me. The other time I dream't that 2 men are chasing me with axes, hence im Running through a forest to save myself, Now from last 2 months I have been relaxed and stopped thinking too much about future and i take things easy ( one day at a time ). But now sometimes i get similar dreams but they are that not scary. One dream I got last week was That I'm in car trying to drive away fast ( running away), because theres going to be an earthquake/volcanic activity, then I got dream similar to bourne identity movie, where Police is after me and im running away trying to escape. ( I haven't even been watching any movies from last few months to be honest). Why do i get these dreams where im trying to escape from a situation and RUN AWAY. The moment I think about my career and future life I get these type of dreams. ( I'm actually not settled in my life right now, I'm single and looking for my first professional job) is it something to do with my present life or is it a sign that I should do something??