
Scary movies?????????????????

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They only scare you when your far too young to see them but as soon as your aged to see them there not scary.

every horror movie wich is a 18 should be a PG lol




  1. well im 14 and I watched scream 1 and I got freaked!!

    I ran a mile....

  2. I remember when I was young watching dodgy 80's horrors like Killer Klowns From Outer Space and Basket Case (both which I still love by the way!) but now they don't scare me at all, however there is one film which I saw when I was about 8 years old, IT, and that is the one film that I remember being afraid of the most, up until this day!  

  3. IT scared me as a kid, though last one i watched was strangers which was pants and not really based on true events

  4. if you want to see a scary movie then see the mirrors they movie is freakin crazy as h**l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  5. 28 days later or 28 weeks later

  6. Its all about being desensitised once you've seen something scary once it doesn't have the same effect on you again.

  7. it could be too- its not the fear factor that makes it a certificate 18, its the s*x or violence- its not really essential to the plot anyway, if they just left it out it could start up a whole new generation of film directors

  8. OMG!!! the first scary movie i saw was wolf creek with my friend and like thats the last one i saw we had to watch the second half in the morning in the daytime lol! it was so effin scary!lol

  9. I was desensitized at an early age as I have always had an interest in special effects and prosthetics but the movies of today are not scary.  

    Lol @  Sweeny Todd it was like a gothic Disney movie :)

  10. the scariest movie ever is an 80s flick starring george c special effects or blood anywhere in it just a brilliant ghost story(apperntly based on a true story)

    it called the changling.

  11. yh lol like sweeney todd tht was an 18 shoul dof been pg lol  

  12. The Hills Have Eyes!! ME and my boyfriend watched it, I got so scared that I slept with him, I was afraid to go back 2 my serority horse! And let me tell u the best s*x ever!!!! lol

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