
Scary rides ??

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How do you get over your fear of big scary - upside down rides ???

I'm going to alton towers next month and i've only been on 1 ride at alton towers ( rip saw ) and tht kind of freaked me out !

and my friends all love big rides so i want to go on but i dont dare any tips ??




  1. I used to work at a major uk theme park, but before I was so scared that I never went on many of the rides, but when I worked on then I saw how its very hard for anything to go wrong on them and how safe I was and that helped me not feel so scared so when I braved my first scary ride I was hooked and now love them. you need to take the plunge,your be so proud of yourself when you do. If you dont do it your regret it after. Go for it and have fun!!

  2. Entertainment-

  3. if you hate them that much, then don't go on them, you need to be official photographer and take photos of your friends hughing up in litter bins and stuff like that. Failing that, do the corkscrew first and if you can do the corkscrew, which trust me, IS VERY TAME AND VERY OLD now then you can do any ride at towers. The black hole is pretty slow and dull.

    Oblivion is over in 14 seconds, and air is so so slow it's like being on the gallopers

  4. Just Build Up Slowly, Start Of With A Gentle One, Then Towards The End Go On Air, Oblivion And Nemesis.

    Enjoy (:

  5. I always queue for ages to go on a ride, then turn into a gibbering wreck just as it's my turn!!! If you find the solution, could you let me know?? It's an irrational fear that is causing problems for me, my partner (he loves scary things) and my friends.... I actually cried going on a water slide!!! how sad???!!!! lol

  6. i went to thorpe park last sunday, now i LOVE the rides but my partner hates them! so i started him off on jus a lil coaster then gradually built him up n by the end of the day he didnt want to leave!!!

    just think about the thousands n thousands of people that go on them rides every day, there fine! thers nothing to even worrie about.

    oblivion n air are awsome though so whatever you do try to pluck up the courrage

  7. I just went on the one that I thought was the most scary (though I did get £60 off my brother for going on!) Once you go on the one you think is the scariest though all the others will seem tame and you will go on, once you go on big 'scary' rides you will get the taste for them. I now LOVE big scary rides!

    P.S, I know Oblivion looks really bad but it's easily the best ride there, you have to go on it!!!
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