
Scattered or isolated thunderstorms?

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So, meteorologists and weather-persons, what difference should I expect in the weather between a forcast of scattered showers/storms and isolated showers/storms?




  1. Isolated storms or showers is when the event is in a very small area, while scattered showers and storms is much wider in area.

  2. Not much lightning..

  3. From the good people at the BoM

    Distribution of Showers (also Thunderstorms)

    Shower or two:     Not many, less than a few. Used to describe showers occurring infrequently.

    Few:     Not many, amounting to a small number. Used to describe a small number of showers over a time period or an area.

    Isolated:     Showers which are well separated in space during a given period.

    Local:     Restricted to relatively small areas.

    Patchy:     Occurring irregularly over an area.

    Scattered:     Irregularly distributed over an area. Showers which, while not widespread, can occur anywhere in an area. Implies a slightly greater incidence than isolated.

    Sporadic:     Scattered or dispersed in respect of locality or local distribution. Characterised by occasional or isolated occurrence.

    Widespread:     Occurring extensively throughout an area.

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