
Scattergories Question?

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If the letter is "A" and the category is "things in the ocean," is "animals" an appropriate answer?




  1. I'm not sure that I'd take it. You could say sea animals or ocean animals, but then they wouldn't begin with "A"

  2. lol sounds like something my sister would put and id say no but shed say depends how easy going you are on the rules. there are sea probly.

  3. Try Anemonie(check spelling my spelling needs help)

  4. my family would say yeah, but then again, we're pretty easy going on the rules...

  5. I would put it up for a vote. It actually would be acceptable because some mammals live in the ocean and mammals are animals but it can be open to interpretation. Voting really would be the best option.

  6. i think so but thats me..

    the rules say if there is any disagreement that you are supposed to take a vote... :)


  7. yeah

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