
Scavenger hunt or Beauty spa??

by  |  earlier

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Well its my thirteenth birthday in a few months and i wanna be prepared but im stuck on 2 ideas a scavenger hunt or beaty spa. For the scavenger hunt wed go to the mall and have tasks like get a picture of you with the buildabear staff or a picture of you all in pink. For the beauty spa id have foot spa's and face masks and scented candles and turn a room into a spa.

Please say what one you'd rather go to.

And post ideas for the one you choose like if you chose scavenger put ideas for the list but if you chose beauty spa post things i could buy or do.

Thankyou!! x




  1. Why not do both? Go to the mall and have a scavenger hunt in Bath & Body Works or a similar store. See who can find the cheapest scented candles, foot spas, and face masks. Also look around for the stands with free face mask samples. When you get home with the girls turn your room into a spa and use all your new products from the mall scavenger hunt. You may want to make the party a sleepover and do the spa part at night and before that the scavenger hunt during the day.

  2. omg i wanna come!!!!

    i would deffo do the scavenger hunt...

    u could do stuff like... umm

    -put a pair of guys tighty whiteys on ur head and take a pic

    -walk round with big FREE HUGS signs

    - ride on them kids rides

    - try on the biggest wedding dress you can find

    i dont really know

    but have heaps of fun!!!!


  3. beauty spa

  4. I'd prefer to do a scavenger hunt.

    1. Take a picture with the funniest, biggest hat you can find

    2. Take a picture with the ugliest shoes you can find

    3. Take a picture of yourself dressed like a movie star

    Plus, it would be cheaper than buying everyone a spa package or a manicure...

  5. both 13 is a big deal your gonna be a teen its a big deal make it really fun

  6. i went to a scavenger hut part before(my friend was turing 13) it was a lot of fun and a great idea for a party... =]

  7. I love the scavanger hunt idea.  So much fun.  Its something different.  You could maybe have a sleepover afterwards if your parents would let you and do spa stuff then.

  8. You could do either. Personally I would like the spa. Next year you could do the scavenger hunt or maybe you could do the hunt at the mall and then come home and do at home foot spa or something.

  9. Have a scavenger hunt around your neighborhood, and then have an at-home spa afterwards, doing each others nails, putting on those face mask things, and doing each others hair

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