
Scene It or Trivial Pursuit? Disney or Nickelodeon?

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I'd like to purchase a couple of games for the family to play. I've looked at a few online and have decided that I'd like to buy Scene It and Trivial Pursuit. My questions is what is the better combination, Nick Trival Pursuit and Disney Scene It or Disney Trival Pursuit and Nick Scene It? Or if the questions and game play are varied enough that I could get both Scene It and Trivial Pursuit in the Nickelodeon versions?




  1. Scene It, Disney!!! and Quelf would be very fun to play with your family, I bought it for my dad and his wife and we can't get enough of it...!

  2. Scene it is better than Trivial's a bit easier for the kids. I have both the disney and nick versions, and we like the disney version better, but it depends. If your kids watch alot of tv, they may like the nick version better. I found many of the questions for the nick one were for shows I had never seen. On the flip side, some of the disney questions were for movies from the 70's.

  3. Scene it Disney but make sure its 2nd Edition

  4. I like trivial pursuit

  5. Scene it disney!

  6. get the ones with Pirates of the Carrabean or Playboy

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