
Scene hair scene hair HELP!!!?

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Hie, so i need help.I want to get a new hair cut before school starts.

I kind of want scene hair but i don't want it to be to over the top

I want to keep it flat and not big.

But i want razored ends or whatever they are called.

Where can i get cheap 18'hair extensions.

I need them because i want longer hair and my hair is shoulder length.

Soo can you send me some pictures of girls with like razored ends and like side bangs/side fringe and some names of a fringe that would look good with an oval shaped face

here is what i look like





  1. Shop online for your hair extensions,

    you can get some human hair ones for like 60 bucks :)

    Get a side fringe or maybe even a straight band.

    Ask your stylist for short layers and get your hair a bit shorter than it is already,

    remember to backcomb your hair (look on and use heaps of hairspray and straighten it ALOT.

    If you want to razor it yourself,

    (to thin the ends etc out a bit) get a disposable rzor/shaver and comb it down on your hair.

    Good Luck love :)

  2. listening to metro station does not make you scene, it makes you a conformist.

  3. I dont know where you can get hair extensions cheap, I do know from what other people say that there kinda a pain it the there are alot of cute choppy hairstyles like "scene" hair (hate lables too..its just easier to explain that way..haha)

    but, usually people have to style there hair alot to get it that big and over the top, so if you did nothing with it or even just put alittle mousse in it and threw it around alittle, it would look really cute.

    short hair pics:

    long hair pics:

    (this is me)

    (if you have facebook, I think you can see, lol at the comment too..)

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