
Schapelle corby?

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I just finished watching a documentary on Schapelle Corby. Personally, i believe shes innocent. Not because she was a female, or has a piercing face but because when she talked i believed her. i would like to know your opinions on the ganga queen now, and if you find her guilty, please give supportive evidence. not just because it was in her bag.

also, do you think 20 years is a bit much? in bali they have rapists and killers doing less time than she is.




  1. I think shes probably guilty, however not necessairly of the crime she is now serving.  Her family have been in the drug trade for many, many years, and maybe somehow by error the drugs ended up in her bag rather than another member

  2. I 100% believe she is innocent.  Like you, it's not because she looks innocent.  It's because she came across as being so authentic.  I have a really good bs detector and I felt none from her.  I truly feel for her and wish I could help her.  She is my #1 on my myspace just so that people will see it and more people will be aware and support her.  I have information on where you can write her a letter that she will receive.  If you want to do that email me on here and I'll give you the info.  It's funny, I usually don't get into stuff like this, but I really feel for her.  The documentary made me cry, and I don't cry easily.

    I also agree that 20 years is ridiculous!!!  As you said, rapists and killers don't get 20 years....anywhere.

    And to the other person who answered that said she is guilty because her family is in the drug trade, that's just silly reasoning.  Whether they are or not, you cannot judge a person by their family!  If my brother rapes someone does that make me a rapist?  If my mom is a drunk that doesn't make me a drunk.  If my sister is a drug addict does that mean I do drugs?  That reasoning doesn't even make sense!!!  Also, Schapelle tested negative for drugs the day of her arrest.  And don't even get me started on the mishandling of the evidence, etc.  Wow, this is going to turn into a HUGE rant if I don't stop typing....
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