
Schedule for the year?

by Guest66853  |  earlier

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I am going to be a junior, so keep that in mind for the homework load.

Last year was a very hard year, I was in a bit of a depression and had no interest in anything so when I got home from school, I would honestly just sit there and do nothing. If I did any homework at all it would be at 12 in the morning. i would go to bed at 3 and wake up at 715 (school starts at 730) sleep in class, not pay attention and get bad grades. I'm never usually like this, as I said, I had a bout with depression.

So this year, I have no after school activities until November (report cards) becasue I need to focus on my homework and schoolwork.

What time should I go to bed? Wake up? Can anyone think of a schedule for my afterschool life from the time I get home to the time I go to bed? I shower at night usually by the way and school is from 730-300.




  1. I answered your other question, so I hope I can help you with this one too. :)

    Teenagers should get about 8-9 hours of sleep. So, if you want to wake up at 7, then you should get to bed about 10:30-11. However, I suggest you get up at 6:30 because you should start your day by eating breakfast (whether it's just a cereal bar, it will make you focus more in school!). Then you should take the time to finish up any homework, do a little makeup and your hair, then you can leave.

    For after-school,  you should get home and get a snack. Unwind a little bit by taking a shower and drying your hair. Then you should sit down and start your assignments. After every hour of work/studying, you can take like a 10-15 minute break to watch some TV. You should start trying to find a place that is well-lit, free from distractions, and comfortable for you to study and do homework. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! If you know you have a test next week, you should study a little every day. It is SO much better than cramming. Use your planner, write down every assignment. Make a To-Do list at lunch or when you have free time (like on the bus or something) for what you need to get done first.

    I hope I helped.

  2. Shower before bed, and go to sleep at 9.

    It sounds ridiculous but I did it as often as possible during my junior year and my grades stayed good and I always had a lot of energy.

  3. Go to sleep at 11.

    Homework 5.

    Wake up at 7.

    Answer mine?

  4. so let's say you get home between 3:15, i would start your homework by 3:30

    let's say 3-4 hours of hw to be safe

    I think you should have 2 - 3 designated homework chunks - because anymore will feel overwhelming and any less may make you fidgety and distracted (although some people can do it)

    you should probably aim to do an hour and a half of work in one sitting because any longer will feel like overkill, and make sure to schedule breaks in so you can be relaxed when you hit the books.

    Also aim to go to bed between 10 and 11, and i would trie to wake up at 6:50 to have enough time to prepare yourself for school.

    3:30 - 5:00 - homework

    5:00 - 5:30 - break (music, etc.)

    5:30 - 6:30 - homework

    6:30 - 7:30 - dinner/chill time/connect with family if you want

    7:30 - 8:30 - homework

    8:30 - 9:00 - shower

    9:00 - 9:15 - get ready for bed

    this kind of gives you some flexibility to add in an extra phone call with you friends, have some additional time for a last minute essay, or if your in a bad mood and are having trouble concentrating so the hw takes longer. you can kind of flip things around for what works best for you and maybe you want a longer break so you can go online...ultimately a schedule is kind of a guideline it doesn't really need to control your life :)

    good luck!

  5. get home:3:30

    relax: 3:30-4:00

    Homework: 4:00-6:00(if you need more time cut from relax time after dinner)

    Dinner 6:00-630


    Shower: 7:30-8:00

    relax: 8:00-830

    Get ready for bed 8:30-9:00

    Bed 9:00

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