
Scheduling conflict, MUST pick between AP English and AP Biology. PLEASE HELP ME.?

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Ever since I was told I wasn't able to do both classes (stupid public schools) I've been fretting over which to take.

I want to be an optometrist/ophthalmologist.

I just finished junior year.


AP Bio: It almost wasn't going to run again this year, but thanks to me and a couple of other students it finally ran after four years. This class seems beneficial for college but won't I anyways take it again freshman year? I love biology with all my heart and would take this one GLADLY, but now look at case 2, the English..

AP Eng: College credits. If I pass the AP Exam, I get to get out of it freshman year. Along with this class I will also take AP Psych or AP Chem, I haven't decided yet. Also, I have already read 4 of the 7 required summer readings and this class is probably the easiest AP in my school.

What do you think? I'm so frustrated and have been crying over this. It's the toughest decision I've yet had to make. PLEASE HELP ME! I need to know by tomorrow. Thank you.




  1. With your future career goal, I'd go with AP Bio.

    You could probably clep out of English when you get into college anyway.

  2. Generally, there is a requirement to take four years of English (at least there is at my school). I would advise that you take English since you'll already be taking another science (AP Psychology or AP Chemistry). While this may sound 'bad', taking easy AP classes is a good thing - if you can score well in easy AP classes and your school weights its GPA's (AP classes are worth more), then your GPA will be higher.

    If you've already done so much for AP English and it will help you get out of a couple of credits in college, then go ahead and take it. If you want, see if there is an advanced summer school program in your area (Rice University offers one in Houston, TX). In an accelerated summer school program, you can actually take AP classes during the summer, not the 'dumbed-down' regular classes.

  3. Take the English class.  If you are pre-med, they will most likely require you to re-take biology at the college level to get into medical school anyway, and testing out of English will be really useful for a pre-med/pre-oph track trying to squeeze all those science classes.  If you are also taking AP psychology or chemistry (both of which are also required pre-med courses) you should be fine.  Besides, English is typically ore important for admissions because while you may change your major and not need bio, you will ALWAYS need English.

    Don't cry over it, it's really not that big of a deal.  In the long run it won't make that much of a difference, really.

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