
Schematic and Pictorial diagrams

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Can some one give me an website that will provide instruction on these wiring diagrams? Such as why they are nedded, how they can assist a technician, why they are needed and what can a technician obtain from them.




  1. Schematics are needed as they are almost the only way to describe a complicated circuit.

    It's almost impossible to understand, to troubleshoot, to debug a complicated circuit unless you have a schematic.

    I don't know what you mean by pictorial diagrams.


  2. Schematic diagrams show all of the components of an electronic circuit and the connections between them. They don't show the relative sizes and physical locations of the components or the physical details of how the conductors are actually routed from one component to another. Schematics are used to help a technician gain a detailed understanding of how the circuit works. Schematics are also used  to perform a mathematical analysis of a circuit.

    Sometimes layout and connection diagrams are provided to show the relative sizes and physical locations of the terminals. If there are connections that are made by point-to-point wiring, those connections are also shown. Wiring connections are rarely shown completely as individual wires. They are more often shown as numbered connections with destination addresses or wire harness entry points. These diagrams can be used for assembly or for trouble shooting and repair.

    Pictorial diagrams are sometimes provided when detailed information about a circuit is not disclosed. They are used to identify various connections, switches, indicating lights etc. that someone with very little knowledge of electronic equipment might need to use. They are illustrations that are similar to photographs that allow someone to identify unfamiliar components. For technicians, pictorial diagrams are sometimes used to help identify unusual components or features or to show how to remove, install or adjust something that is difficult to work with.

    For additional information, you might search for "electronic enginering documentation," "technical writing," etc. in adition to "schematic diagram," and "pictorial diagram."

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