
Schengen visa, Duration of stay and validity?

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I just got my Schengen Visa last Friday from French Embassy here in Manila (Philippines, its a C type (Tourist visa) Its valid for max. 30 days stay.. It says the visa is valid from Jul6-Aug6'08. Originally, my travel will start Jul6, my question is, can I enter the Schengen state (Paris - france) even like a week before my visa expires then when I get in that country that will only be the time the 30 days given period will start? Thanks everyone..




  1. Your visa is only valid for the period stated, in your case July 6 to August 6. If you enter a week before the visa's expiration, you may only stay until August 6. If you want to change the date you will have to apply at the French embassy (if this is the embassy which issued your visa) for an extension. Other Schengen countries will not issue you another Schengen visa if you already have a valid one.

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