
Schizophrenia paranoid after smoking weed help?

by  |  earlier

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well lately i havent been feeling like myself, when i smoked the weed 3 days ago, i never hallucinated, i never thought stuff, although i did talk to myself once and said i wasnt going crazy, but i saw this site and this matched, well one of them, the rest i dont know what they mean suspiciousness, unusual thoughts, paranoia, thought disorder, blunted affect, reduced spontaneity, reduced interaction with the interviewer, and problems with memory and attention the one that i get is unusual thoughts, like i am not myself, and i never lived this life before, but i kno that im jus acting crazy and what im saying it stupid, but i still have these thoughts, that afdter i smoked weed i got schizophrenia. i got sick after too. i felt like how am i doing this, and i felt like i was watching my life, not doing it. so am i paranoid or do i show symptoms of it




  1. Weed just isn't for you... Although for a lot of people, their first time getting high makes them sick, and the sickness kind of ruins the fun.

    But I bet most of how you're feeling is from over analyzing everything. Just relax and don't smoke anymore. You'll be fine.[=

  2. Dude, you're getting high! Of course you're going to have silly, unusual thoughts. And the sense of depersonalization -- that you're watching your life -- is part of being stoned. So, unfortunately, is paranoia. I stopped smoking after it started to make me paranoid -- just wasn't worth the bad highs. It sounds like it may be time for you to do the same?

  3. First thing, you can NOT "get" schizophrenia... it doesn't work that way. It is a mental illness, usually hereditary, that occurs "naturally" in the brain, and is not caused by smoking weed...

    I would bet that what you experienced was a THC-induced panic attack. THC is a mild hallucinogenic, so unusual thoughts, paranoia, etc, is pretty common amongst users.

    I would suggest that you not smoke it anymore. In addition to the panic and anxiety, long term use can lead to mild brain damage and memory problems...

    Hope this helps.

  4. Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder that affects a rare number of people. If you were Schizophrenic you would be feeling like this a lot more, probably accompanied with hallucinations. If you are afraid you are schizophrenic than I would recommend you see a psychologist and talk about these fears. Chances are however that you are fine and the weed just uncovered some sort of unresolved issue you've had in the past, or uncovered fears. Perhaps you smoked too much in one session. I don't think you are showing any of the symptoms, but go talk to somebody about it and make sure.

  5. i agree w/ other guy, probably should quite. you do it to have fun, and that doesn't sound like any fun...(i assume...?)

  6. It has happened before, I will tell you that much.  After I smoked pot one year ago I had a very bad incident myself.  I went to the hospital, and ever since that point I have had anxiety and panic attacks.  

    There is actually a very common misconception that marijuana is completely free of all possible side effects and permanent effects as is coming to light with more recent studies.  A man in england smoked too much marijuana, not laced, and is permanently disabled as a schizophrenic.  

    Yes this doesn't happen with every person and there is large debate as to the mental health of the patient before hand and any pre-aggrivating causes, however once things like paranoia and anxiety/panic are triggered it can take quite a while to leave your system.

    I suggest discontinuing use of marijuana and seeing a doctor about your problems.  Many people are able to use marijuana and are free to experience its pleasurable effects, however there are quite a few people who cannot and it sounds like you are one of them.

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