
Scholarship disbursement help?

by Guest62606  |  earlier

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I dont want to seem like I'm just trying to get a check so I have stopped hassling my counselor. BUT I am currently enrolled in school and will be done as of Sunday coming. I was just awarded a $1000 scholarship that will be credited to my account. However, I do not owe anything on the account - maybe $50 if that. Will they credit it to me, or will they give it to my loan company? The school is Pinnacle Career Institute and I attend classes online.




  1. Usually, scholarships are credited to the account and any money left over after all tuition and fees are paid are reimbursed by check to the student.

  2. You should be able to ask the financial aid center. E-mail or call them and ask if you have a surplus in your student account will they be mailing you a check for the remaining balance and when do they cut checks. We are assuming you have student loan/s? The school, I wouldn't think would be entitled to send "your" money to the loan holder. That will be your responsibility.

    Good Luck.

  3. You need to contact the agency/organization or school who awarded you the scholarship because every one of them is different and is handled in a different manner.  

    Some scholarships that are given NEVER get reimbursed to the student even if they have no balance.  These are called "Gap" scholarships and have no cash value to students.  Fee and Tuition waivers are often this way as well.  

    The agency will be able to tell you EXACTLY what their terms and conditions are, how it will be dispersed and if you will get any money.

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