
School Bully Help???????

by  |  earlier

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Howdy, so there's this kid in school who has been s******g arounnd with me since 4th grade (I'm a fresh man now), i dont what his problem is but he always has a problem with me. I feel like an idiot writing this down, cause i usally eat all my problems and never let anybody know that something is wrong. Any tips?




  1. if ur bigger than him..

    hit the mother ***! seriously though wat a jerk =/

  2. Get confident with yourself.. Obviously he has nothing better going on in his life then to bully you!

    Maybe that is his one and only thing in his life that he feels he can control.  Most bully's have a deep seeded emotional issue of security!

    Someday you will be going through the drive through and he will be handing you your lunch!

  3. FIrst rule of bullies, they prey on those whom they think will take it lying down.   IN this day and age, you can get sent to jail for too many things including fighting.   So, i will not advocate outright punching him.  However, if he persists and he takes the first swing, you do WHATEVER you have to to win that fight.   I dont care if people call you a girl or whatever.  If you need to crack his nuts in two then you do it!   There is no such thing as a fair fight when youre getting your *** kicked.   The other option is to get his blood boiling.   Then, you let him hit you and have his *** arrested.     See how he likes being sent to jail with all the real bad asses who will want to have a piece of him while he is there.     Everyone gets their due my friend.   I was bullied and those same dudes....."would you like fries with that?"   I had a size advantage though.   One little punk, you could call him an over zealous hip hop fan..... I call him a wigger, once sucker punched me in the face.    I was stunned but I looked back up at him, gave him the biggest most psychotic looking smile you could imagine and he backed into a corner like a scared dog.   If it was not for the giant lesbien volley ball coach witnessing it, I sure as h**l would have messed this dudes day up.   And as far as howdy, I say it and Im 6 months shy of 30!  So s***w any of you young punks who think its just old people.   I dont say it a lot is kinda silly.  


    Dont put up with his c**p and if he throws the first one, make sure he wont ever have children.

    If he throws the punch first, let him get you good then watch him go to the county pig pen for a day

    If you do get hit, act as psychotic as you possibly can afterwards.   The pain of getting hit is not as bad as you think unless he breaks something.   Big strong people......are usualy slow and easy to out maneuver.  you can land 5 punches to his 1.  


    Dude, it's time to start fighting back.

    just take one punch and pop him in his jaw and see if he'll leave you alone.

  5. wow this happens to me all the time and all i can say is dont let him bully you hes not gonna kill you so fight him you get the c**p beaten out of u then who gives a flying c**p, point is eather your gonna win or lose eather way he cant hurt you if there is alot of people around noone will let it happen trust me, DONT TELL AN ADULT then you will for sure get the living c**p beaten out of you, seriously u might c**p urself, but if u can make him scared by making a F****** CRAZY *** Smile he might just **** his pants so i say go for it but dont throw the first punch then ur at fault, he starts it u end it. dude if he is way bigger than you and he hits you PICK UP A CROW BAR AND MAKE HIM CASTRATE OMG DUDE BE A MAN IM 13 AND I DO THIS STUFF IF I NEED TO, one time i was gettin the c**p beat outa me i mean he smashed my head into bricks and stuff my nose was a gusher seriously but i took a rock nailed his "jewels" and he never bothered me again sure people say im a cheater but when he was on the ground i was like HAHA it would take me 2 hits normally though i hit him he hits the ground lolz

  6. Some of the respondents are childish in their answers but they aren't all kids either ,,,,

    Probably the reason why he's always done this to you is because he's just looking for a response ,,,, Totally ignore him ,,,, If he says something to you then turn to someone else if you can and ask them if they said something ,,,, He's going to eventually get bored with this and find someone else to hassle ,,,,

    If he's threatened to or has done physical harm to you then it's time to report it to the dean or principles office and let some one in authority  handle this ,,,,

    Give the guy enough rope and he's going to eventually hang himself ,,,, In the mean time you just try and keep your nose clean ,,,,    //

  7. just be confident at school and ignore him sooner or later h**l get bored and stop

  8. Here's one tip nobody says "Howdy" any more that's what my Grandpa USED to say. But any way tell him to back off and just go away dont fight just say hold up dude leave me alone.......and he should unless your a nerd so say it and go

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