
School Exchange: Japan?

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I'm in grade 8, going to highschool next year and wondering about the school exchange programs. I don't understand about the school exchange program works, how long I'm going to be there, what grade you can do the program and etc.. Please help?




  1. well im not all the way sure how this works but you would be in highschool  (9th grade) and you would live with a host faimily, also u will be their for the school year (september to may).... go to, because i am looking to become a host faimily...

  2. u go to your principal and ask him if there are any oppurtunitys  and u go for about 1 month and you stay with a willing family...i plan on doing it in 2years!! :D have fun!!! i love Japanese !!! XD

  3. i studied abroad in japan this year. the most common time to study abroad is in college. i did it for three months. i had the time of my life. the only advice i can give you when studying abroad is whenever you feel home sick remember home is in your heart.

  4. You are starting to think ahead about this, and that's great!

    The first thing you need to know however, is that exchange programs are for students aged 15-18 1/2 years. Freshmen seldom participate in exchanges. It's not advisable as most don't have the maturity nor the academic background to handle it. You should seriously consider your junior year -- that's the best time. You will be old enough, can arrange your schedule to accommodate the exchange, yet still be able to come home, have fun with your friends during your senior year and graduate on time.

    So, now that you know you want to go -- and want to go to Japan, find an exchange program. Chances are good your high school already has exchange students. Check with your counselor and see what he/she recommends. Generally, AFS, Aspect, Rotary and YFU are reliable everywhere and ASSE is reliable most places. AYUSA/INTRAX does have a lot of problems (they are not allowed in our school any longer). Rotary will be the cheapest, but the most competitive for acceptance.

    You should also try and get some language training. If Japanese is not offered in your school, consider Rosetta Stone. It's a great computer program and you'll learn a lot.

    For lots more info on exchange programs, check out this on line community (for those who want to violate this for "solicitation" this is not a commercial site to sell anything, it's students sharing experiences).

    Good luck!

  5. 國 → 国 kuni, koku

    號 → 号 gō

    變 → 変 hen, ka

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