
School Going Green??

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i go 2 a jr.high in the county like a rural area we hav a twn and i was thinkin about introducing the idea of goin "green" 2 the prinical im in 7th grade and a well liked student!! i heard tht u can save up 2 $1 Million a year by doin tht. our prinical is kinda tuff so i need a good convincing way!!




  1. Introduce all the benefits.  The school could save money, and the health benefits of going green.  Sometimes, also, schools can get grants for "greening up" or get money to help them go green.  If you do a little research of benefits of going green, then narrow them down to things that would actually apply to your school or that your school could identify with,   Then the principle would see the benefit as well, and would at least think about using some of the ideas if not all.  Good luck and way to go!  Good for you!  By the way, you could also show him the negatives of 'not going green'... such as health risks for using pesticides etc.

  2. Present it to the student council too, get a campaign of sorts going.  research all the ways that the school can make a difference, and if you can find green ways they can save money, that would also be a good approach.  When you have done MUCH research, then go to the principal.  The problem could be that going green sometimes involves spending money, find ways your school can go green without shelling out lots of money.  Schools are normally on a tight tight budget.

  3. I think the best way is to come up with ides of how the school can go green.

    wasteless lunches.

    biodegradable cups/plates.

    energy efficient lightbulbs.  

    school compost.

    buying recycled paper for handouts.

    less lights on all the time (there are usually way to many).

    I think this is such a great idea you should definately tlak to your principal about it.

  4. religion, even pagan religions are baned in schools in the us.  And yes this is a religion with Gore as the high priest

  5. get your classmates, parents, and local  businesses involved
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