
School Guidance Concelour failing and embarrsed to ask question?

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so i was faling like two or three classes last semester but am doing good now

she knows my mom fine but i want to chance my class from guitar to piano

and im embarrsed to go and tell her that ..

any advice?




  1. The correct way to say that is that you are doing WELL now, although judging by your horrible grammar and spelling as well as your inability to ask a coherent question, I seriously doubt it.  You need to put down the instruments and do some extra homework.  You should be embarrassed, failing three classes.  There's no excuse for that.

  2. I don't understand your question: you're embarassed to tell your school guidance counsellor that you want to learn the guitar instead of the piano?!

    What is there to be embarassed about in that?

    Why is it any of this counsellor's business?

    What has this got to do with Home Schooling?

  3. Your going to find no sympathy unless you ask the question under the correct subject.  And start doing your grammar homework, please.

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