
School Help- Friends and Grades?

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School just started a little bit ago... and I'm already having trouble! My main problem is grades. I try hard every day... and after school and chores, I do my homework until I go to bed. I don't play computer- I don't read or watch tv, I just do my homework. I study for everything and I make flashcards, and I still have 3 c's. WHY?? I am trying really hard and I still cant make it, and I cant drop out of my classes.

My second problem is friends. My mom is one of the principals at a junior high in our city, and some people won't talk to me because they dont like her. Most people dont know that though. My mom said that I seem more "adult" than the other kids (probably not right now) she said that I walk in a different way and hold myself differently. I have always been shy and kind of people-scared. she told me that a lot of people might view that as stuck up.... but this year I have tried really hard to talk to other people too. I havent been like that at all! I dont get it because a lot of people will only talk to my "bigger" friends. they wont talk to me or my other friend... I just dont get it. I dont really think that that has to do with anything. I have a friend who has always talked to me before, but this year he will only stand like three feet away at all times and wont really talk to me like a person...




  1. It sounds like stress might be causing you to have trouble with your grades. Why don't you join some clubs at school. If you're in high school, you could work on the school paper or something where you interview people or take pictures for the yearbook etc.

    There are lots of clubs in middle school and high school that can put you in contact with people on a one to one basis so you can make more friends. Or, if there's a school event coming up, you can be on the decorating committee--things like that.

    Why don't you ask the guy that stands 3 feet from you, "Hey, what's up with that?" Maybe you'll at least find out what his thinking is and why he's doing that. I think if you were less stressed about having more friends, you would make better grades.

    Good luck. You sound like a sweet person who would make a great friend!! : )

  2. You seem really smart and nice...I don't know why people are idiots like that sometimes, but they just are. Anyways, I pretty much go through your same schedule during the weekday: Wake up, go to school, lug a bunch of heavy books around AT school, go to tennis practice, come home, eat, do homework(from about 5-9:30 if I'm lucky) then take a shower and go to sleep. That's EXACTLY what I do every school day. It isn't that great, but I do enjoy doing good homework, my favorite is also my most time-consuming one, European History :)!

    Good luck, I wish the best for ya'. xDD!

  3. Well what you should do about your grades in school is just try your best! that's all that you need to do.Maybe it would be more comfortable if you invite some of your friends over(that friend you were talking about) and have a little study party. but if you still gell C's; well it's still ok ! As long as you've tried you best! maybe the sudy party will get your friend to talk to you more and closer!

                                                               Good Luck!!


  4. the 2nd ?----find yourself and hold your head high-because you are you    -try to relax -maybe the other friend that doesn't get talked to either might be your true friend- people will hurt you --you will find that in life-stand firm for what you believe in and do not let people walk on you(stand your ground)

    the 1st?-- i don't know what grade you are in but maybe you need some extra help-it happens! don't be affraid  to ask. thats what the teachers are there for.

  5. if they won't talk to you they're not really your friends.

    and maybe your not taking the right classes if you need to make a's and b's.

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