
School Help Please?!?

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It's school tommorow... as much as im nervous... I just would like a bit of help please.

Can everyone list EVERYTHING i will need in my schoolbag please.

Bearing in mind... im 13 and im going into year 9 and im from the uk.

Thanks for all answers!

- 10 points best answer!




  1. Most high schools in the US have websites these days. I'd look for your schools and if there is anything you need to bring it should be there. Don't worry. Most teachers will be lenient if you have just migrated here from England. If there is no way you can know what to bring, then how can you bring it? Just be sure to have something to write with, a notebook to jot thing down in, and try not to worry too much.

    I'm so glad I'm not a teenager any more.

  2. Ok, you need your pencil case, incl. Pencils, colouring pencils, pens, ink cartridges if need, rubber, sharpener, ruler.

    Your purse with bus/train pass and money.

    Pack lunch if you need one.

    A note book.

  3. pencil case- pens (biro, fountain), pencils, colouring pens/pencils, highlighters, rubber, sharpener, scissors, glue, compass, protractor, set square, calculator (and if ur a girl add lipgloss and a nail file =] )

    school books

    reading book

    summer homework



    locker key

    note pad



    memory stick

    PE KIT ??? MAYBE

    ok, my bag is quiet big =] xx

  4. Ok your going into year 9, so firstly you need a pencil case, with a rubber, ruler, pencil, pen(take some spares), sharpner. I take it your going to be doing your Key stage 3's so you will need a calculator for maths and a maths set. These things can all go in your pencil case apart from the calculator and maths set. Youu will probably need a dictonary/theasauras for english.(the calculator you will need 4 keystage 3 science) You will also need your lunch. also don't forget money or oyster card if you have to travel

    I suggest you take some paper, and a folder just incase you get given sheets of paper. Your school should give you exercise books but take a few bits of lined paper in case.

    Hope this helps and gd luck with your exams, they r ok reallyy ! :D

  5. Hey hun!

    Im your girl, just starting year 10 on thursday, so im 14 :). Heres what you will need.

    *Any books your teachers have given you over the summer to study for.

    *Summer Homework.

    *Pencil case filled with,- Pencils, pens, eraser, sharpener, coloured pencils, calculator, compass, ruler and anything else you may want.

    *Your lunch or money for cantine & a drink.

    *Folders you might want to store letters or lose work in.

    *Books from last year you might need, like maths or english if you have the same teacher this year.

    *Yourself! :P

    Thats the main things but somethings you might want to do now are:

    *Have your dinner early so you can do this,  have something filling and stuff so you dont get too hungry. Pudding is required :P lol

    *Get all of your stuff ready now, like pack your bag and you could even make up your lunch-pack if your bringing one; like crisps/ fruit and stuff. If you do sandwiches leave them till morning.

    *Get your uniform ready. Put it all on one hanger in your wardrobe or near your bed so you dont have to hang around in the morning.

    *Shower at night time, not morning- you can take more time this way and make your hair even better!

    *If you wear make-up get that all ready on your dressing table, or in the bathroom.

    *Go to bed pretty early, i bet u have been havin sum lie ins this summer? havent we all! lol so yeah, dont wanna fall asleep whilst catchin up wiv ur mates!

    Hope i have helped you! if u need anymore help let me know, u can email me wenever!!

    Good luck hun



  6. School tommorow? For us tommorow is an inset day =)

    Im going into year 10 nooo!!

    Okaay, your gonna need a pencil case filled with pencils, pens, rubber, ruler, highlighters etc etc..

    Then your going to need a bottle of water, your lunch or lunch money, phone if you have one, keys, inhalor - well that ones for me, ipod if you have one and want to take it with you..

    As for saving space it depends what type of bag you have and how big your stuff is..

    Chill its not a big thing only year 9 =)

  7. Don't bring anything yet.

    just bring you're school bag.

    because the first day you get off early. You get dismissed at lunch time if you're in highschool.

  8. Pencil Case: Pen, spare pen, ink catridges (if you are using ink pen), pencil, spare pencil, rubber, sharpener, scissors, glue stick, ruler, geometry set, colour pencils (or felt tips), ink eraser (or tippex).

    In Bag: Lunch money? Text books from year 8, reading book.

    Get a spare bag if you don't have enough space.

  9. You will need:

    * Pen and pencil, rubber possibly a ruler and possibly colouring crayons into a pencil case.

    * Calculator, but not always necessary

    * Travel pass if you have one to go to school

    * Purse in case your travel pass isn't one of those 'VIP' passes

    * Possibly a PE kit but not necessary.

    * Possibly a mobile phone if you have one

    * Note book

    Good Luck!

  10. wow!

    so am i,

    but my school starts on thursday.

    erm, pencil case. with couple on pens, pencils, rubber, ruler, protractor, sharpener.

    oyster card.


    lunch, if you take it.


    erm yeah.


    good luck ! x
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