
School Is Over & Its Summer Vacation. I've Been Home So Far Bored As Ever.?

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I Need Something Fun To Do. Something That Gets Me Out The House & Something That Woulod Appeal To A 14 year Old.




  1. What are your interests?

    Are you athletic?  Round up some friends and play baseball or basketball or do some skateboarding, etc.

    Do you like to read?  Go to the library and check out several books that really interest you.  (Maybe Tom Sawyer, and Huckleberry Finn?  I just read them both this year and they are so good!)  Or maybe you're into cars, or WWII, or something else - - there are books about everything you can imagine, learn more on your own!

    Do you like to write, and maybe have an interest in journalism?  There's an early teen in our suburb who writes a weekly column in the local section of our newspaper, about movies in the theaters for kids.  (He gets to publish his articles and has a portfolio already, I am sure!)

    Do you like gardening and extra cash?  Maybe start a lawn care business within your neighborhood!

    Do you like music?  Pick up a guitar with the money you've earned mowing lawns, and find some good 14-year-olds to jam with.  Who knows?!  You might get into it and book some gigs yet this summer!

    I heard a quote once that hit me pretty hard:  "Only boring people get bored."  There is SO much on this earth to do, no matter what your age - - none of us should have any time to think about getting bored!  :o)

    I hope that helps, best of luck on finding a great summer activity (or more than one)!

  2. Go for ice cream and bike around to whatever is closest

    Tie Dye shirts, its especially good to do in the summer

    Go to the library find a good book and head to the beach

  3. get a job

  4. When you're bored, it usually means you're a boring person; how can you entertain others (as a friend) when you can't even entertain yourself?????  It's up to YOU to find things to do; it's not just gonna happen.  You have a computer - find a game to play; talk to some friends online; send some photos to your grandma OR read a book or magazine, listen to some music, WRITE some music, write in a journal

  5. skate,paintball,bike,run around naked,mexican snowboard,strip in the street so people laugh at you, graffiti, j walk everywhere, get a girlfriend go to her house, go see a movie

    im 13 i do all that

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